Inscriptions Latin Indexes : Addenda bibliographica praecipue ad CIL e periodico L'Année épigraphique nominato excerpta.; Gruendel, Roland.
Inscriptions Latin Netherlands Early Works To 1800 : Collectio monumentorum, rerumque maxime insignium, Belgii fæderati; : e templ. & locis pub. urbium & academ. a primordiis reipub. hucusque deducta, qualis nunquam antehac divulgata: exhibens monumenta multa goriosissima, læsæ libertatis, at fortissime assertæ; et in ejusdaem assertione, victoriarum ac triumphorum; ut & imperatorum, et archithalassor. Heroumque aliorum, beatæ memoriæ, patr. libertatis resistutor . & tutorum: nec non alia, virorum quavis honoris specie eminentissimorum, tam indigenarum quam exterorum; multasque historias monumenta illustrantes, casus extraoridinarios, & res curiosas. Carmina & cætera Belgica Latine reddita. / Per Phileleutherum Timareten [pseud. of T. J. van Almeloveen].; Almeloveen, Theodoor Jansson ab,
Inscriptions Runic Isle Of Man : Runes and runic inscriptions : collected essays on Anglo-Saxon and Viking runes / edited by David Parsons ; with a bibliography by Carl T. Berkhout.; Page, Raymond Ian.
Insect Pests Control History 20th Century : DDT and the American century : global health, environmental politics, and the pesticide that changed the world / David Kinkela.; Kinkela, David.
Insect Pests Ecology : Insect pest management and ecological research / G.H. Walter.; Walter, G. H.,
Insect Plant Relationships North America : Principal sunflower bees of North America with emphasis on the Southwestern United States (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) / Paul D. Hurd, Jr., Wallace E. LaBerge, and E. Gorton Linsley.; Hurd, Paul David,
Insect Plant Relationships Southwest New : Principal sunflower bees of North America with emphasis on the Southwestern United States (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) / Paul D. Hurd, Jr., Wallace E. LaBerge, and E. Gorton Linsley.; Hurd, Paul David,
Insects America Classification : Studies of Halictinae (Apoidea: Halictidae). I, Revision of New World Lasioglossum Curtis / Ronald J. McGinley.; McGinley, Ronald J.
Insects British Isles Larvae : A revised key to the caseless caddis larvae of the British Isles : with notes on their ecology / by J.M. Edington and A.G. Hildrew.; Edington, John M.
Insects Climatic Factors : Ecological and environmental physiology of insects / Jon F. Harrison, H. Arthur Woods, Stephen P. Roberts.; Harrison, Jon F.,
Insects Conservation : Insect conservation : a handbook of approaches and methods / Michael J. Samways, Melodie A. McGeoch, Tim R. New.; Samways, Michael J.
Insects Defences : Secret weapons : defenses of insects, spiders, scorpions, and other many-legged creatures / Thomas Eisner, Maria Eisner, Melody Siegler.; Eisner, Thomas,