Insects Molecular Aspects : Ecological and environmental physiology of insects / Jon F. Harrison, H. Arthur Woods, Stephen P. Roberts.; Harrison, Jon F.,
Insects Norfolk Island : The Lepidoptera of Norfolk Island : their biogeography and ecology.; Holloway, J. D.
Insects Physiology : Insect physiology / W. Mordue, G.J. Goldsworthy, J. Brady, W.M. Blaney.
Insight In Psychotherapy : The personal is the professional : therapists reflect on their families, lives and work / collected by Cheryl White and Jane Hales.
Insignia Early Works To 1800 : Abrahami Fransi, Insignium, armorum, emblematum, hieroglyphicorum, et symbolorum, quæ ab Italis imprese nominantur, explicatio : quæ symbolicæ philosophiæ postrema pars est.; Fraunce, Abraham,
Insignia France History : Le blanc de France : la construction des signes identitaires pendant les guerres de religion, 1562-1629.; Turrel, Denise.
Inspiration In Literature : The theory of inspiration : composition as a crisis of subjectivity in romantic and post-romantic writing.; Clark, Timothy,
Installation Clergy Early Works To 1800 : Conuiuium in installatione Radulphi de Bourne, Abbatis S. August. Cant. anno domini 1309. Et domini Reg. Edwardi secundi. 2
Installations Art Spain : The bridge = El puente : Marina Abramović, exposición retrospectiva / [textos/texts, Pablo J. Rico, Marina Abramović, Thomas Wulffen].; Abramović, Marina,
Installations Art Switzerland Geneva Exhibitions : The stairs : Geneva, the location = Genève, le cadrage / Peter Greenaway ; curated by: Dominique Astrid Lévy, Simon Studer.; Greenaway, Peter.