Iran History To 640 Chronology Early Works To 1800 : A true chronologie of the times of the Persian monarchie, and after to the destruction of Ierusalem by the Romanes : Wherein by the way briefly is handled the day of Christ his birth: with a declaration of the angel Gabriels message to Daniel in the end of his 9. chap. against the friuolous conceits of Matthew Beroald. Written by Edvvard Liuelie, reader of the holie tongue in Cambridge.; Lively, Edward,
Iran Labor : The condition of the working class in Iran : a documentary history.; European Committee for the Defence of Democratic Rights of Workers in Iran.
Iraq Antiquities Exhibitions : From ancient to modern : archaeology and aesthetics / edited by Jennifer Y. Chi and Pedro Azara ; including contributions by Jennifer Y. Chi, Pedro Azara, Marc Marín, William B. Hafford, Richard L. Zettler, Holly Pittman, Naomi F. Miller, Kim Benzel, Jack D.M. Green, Jean M. Evans, and Clemens Reichel.
Iraq Economic Conditions 1991 : The three trillion dollar war : the true cost of the Iraq conflict / Joseph E. Stiglitz and Linda J. Bilmes.; Stiglitz, Joseph E.