Ireland History 1172 1603 Early Works To 1800 : Hiberniæ Merlinus for the year of our Lord 1683. Being the first from bissextil or leap year. : Containing the constitutions of the air, the rising and setting of the sun, the tides, the terms and their returns, with many other useful observations, fitted to the longitude and latitude of all places within this kingdom of Ireland, and the western parts of England. With a chronology of all the chief governours from the 1th of Henry the 2d 1172 to this present year 1682, with many other remarkable observations and useful tables, with additions. With high-ways, fairs and markets: / John Bourke philomath.; Bourke, John,
Ireland History 1172 1603 Periodicals : Peritia : journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland / editor: Donnchadh Ó Corráin ; review editor: Dáibhí Ó Cróinín.
Ireland History 1172 1603 Sources Early Works To 1800 : Rerum Hibernicarum annales, regnantibus Henrico VII. Henrico VIII Edwardo VI. & Maria. Ab anno scil. Domini MCCCCLXXXV, ad annum MDLVIII. Per Jacobum Waræum, Equitem auratum; Ware, James,
Ireland History 1525 1649 Early Works To 1800 : A great and bloody plot against the Protestants, discovered to have taken the castle at Dublin, and murthered the commissioners of Parliament. : Divers taken prisoners, among whom were, the Lord Tath, Sir Edward Varney, Colonell Vane, Colonell Barrey, Captaine Poore, Captaine Treswell, Mr. Brent a lawyer, Alderman Joanes, Alderman Clerke, and divers others. With a declaration by the Suprem [sic] Councell of the Confederate Catholicks at Kilkenny: and their treachery against the English Protestants. Also severall great victories obtained by the Lord Inchequin in Munster. And the defeat of the Irish rebels under Owen Roe O Neale. Certified by the commissioners letters from Dublin, appointed to be printed and published. Philip Fernelley, Cleric. Parl. Dom. Com.
Ireland History 1558 1603 Historiography : Irish demons : English writings on Ireland, the Irish, and gender by Spenser and his contemporaries / Joan Fitzpatrick.; Fitzpatrick, Joan.
Ireland History 1558 1603 Sources : A proclamation for the obseruation and due execution of certayne statutes : and a summarie abridgement of euery of the same statutes folowyng, to be duely kept and obserued within this realme of Irelande. An.D. 1576. &. 19. Elizabeth Reginae..; Ireland.
Ireland History 1595 1612 Early Works To 1800 : A collection of such orders and conditions, as are to be observed be [sic] the undertakers, upon the distribution and plantation of the eschaeted [sic] lands of Vlster..; England and Wales.
Ireland History 1600 1649 Early Works To 1800 : A message from a committee of both Houses of Parliament, to the Spanish ambassador, to make stay of ships at Dunkerk, intended for the supply of the rebels in Ireland.; England and Wales.
Ireland History 1625 1649 Sermons : Vox hibernæ, or, Rather the voyce of the Lord from Ireland : a sermon preached in Saint Peters Church at Westminster before divers of the right honourable the lords of the upper House in the high court of Parliament : on the last publike fast day, being Wednesday the 22th of December 1641 : wherein the miserable estate of the kingdome of Ireland at this present is laid open and the people and kingdome of England earnestlie exhorted to turne to Almight God by true repentance least the same iudgements or worse fall upon us / by the laborious and reverend Doctor Iames Vsher ...; Ussher, James,
Ireland History 1625 1649 Sermons Early Works To 1800 : Vox Hibernæ or rather the voyce of the Lord from Ireland: : a sermon preached in Saint Peters Church at Westminster, before divers of the Right Honourable, the Lords of the upper House in the High Court of Parliament, on the last publike fast day, being Wednesday the 22th. of December. 1641. Wherein the miserable estate of the kingdome of Ireland at this present is laid open, and the people and kingdome of England, earnestlie exhorted to turne to almighty God by true repentance least the same iudgements or worse fall upon us. By the laborious and reverend Doctor Iames Vsher Bishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland.; Ussher, James,
Ireland History 1625 2649 Early Works To 1800 : The declaration of the Brittish in the North of Ireland. : With some queres of Colonel Monke, and the answers of the Brittish to the queres. Also a letter, giving an impartiall relation of the numbers of horse and foot that resolve to keep close to what they doe here unanimously declare to the world.
Ireland History 1640 1660 Early Works To 1800 : Die Sabbati, 29. Januarii. 1641. An order made by both Houses of Parliament, to prevent the going over of Popish commanders into Ireland, and also to hinder the transportation of arms, ammunition, money, corne, victuals, and all other provision to the rebels, and for the sending back of the Irish Papists lately come over.; England and Wales.
Ireland History 1641 1660 : A declaration of the treacherous procedings [sic] of the Lord of Inchequin against the Parliament of England, : and some officers in their employment in the Province of Munster in Ireland. / By Collonel William Knight.; Knight, William,
Ireland History 1649 1660 Humour : A Bartholmevv Fairing, new, new, new: : sent from the raised siege before Dublin, as a preparatory present to the great thanksgiving-day. To be communicated onely to Independents.
Ireland History 1649 1660 Poetry Early Works To 1800 : Carmen eucharisticon: a private thank-oblation, exhibited to the glory of the lord of hosts, for the timely and wonderfull deliverance, vouchsafed to this nation, in the routing of a numerous Army of Irish rebells before Dublin, : by the sword of his valiant servant, Michael Jones, Lieutenant-Generall for the Parliament or England. / Composed by Geo. Wither Esquire, August 29. 1649.; Wither, George,
Ireland History 1649 1660 Prophecies Early Works To 1800 : A brief judgment astrologicall, : concerning the present designe of the L. Governor (Lieutenant General Cromwell) against the rebels in Ireland: who marched hence, July, 10. Hor.5.m.30. p. meridiem. / By John Booker, student in astrology.; Booker, John,
Ireland History 1660 1680 Early Works To 1800 : Great news from Ireland : being motives of encouragement for the officers and souldiers who shall serve in the present war of Ireland. Licens'd April 9th, 1689. James Fraser.
Ireland History 1660 1688 Biography : The Wild-Irish captain, or Villany display'd : being the exploits and memoirs of that famous boglander the pretended marshal of the Kings-Bench David Fitzgerald / truly and faithfully related.
Ireland History 1660 1688 Humour Early Works To 1800 : News from Parnassus, in the abstracts and contents of three crown'd chronicles, relating to the three kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland. : In a poem, divided into two parts : first, to the king, secondly, to the subjects of the said three kingdoms. Dedicated to His Majesty. / By a servant to Mars, and a lover of the muses, William Mercer.; Mercer, William,