Italy Commissione Centrale Per Lesame Dei Libri Di Testo : Il libro per la scuola tra idealismo e fascismo : l'opera della Commissione centrale per l'esame dei libri di testo da Giuseppe Lombardo Radice ad Alessandro Melchiori (1923-1928) / a cura di Anna Ascenzi, Roberto Sani.
Italy Corte Costituzionale : Constitutional politics in Italy : the constitutional court.; Volcansek, Mary L.,
Italy Cultural Policy : Culture, censorship and the state in twentieth-century Italy / edited by Guido Bonsaver and Robert S.C. Gordon.
Italy Description And Travel Early Works To 1800 Guidebooks : Letters writen [sic] to a friend / by the learned and judicious Sir Andrew Balfour ... ; containing excellent directions and advices for travelling thro' France and Italy ; with many curious and judicious remarks and observations made by himself in his voyages thro' these countreys ; published from the author's original M.S.; Balfour, Andrew,
Italy Foreign Relations 1492 1559 : The Italian Wars, 1494-1559 : war, state and society in early modern Europe / by Michael Mallett and Christine Shaw.; Mallett, Michael E.
Italy Foreign Relations 1559 1789 : L'Italia del secondo Settecento nelle relazioni segrete di William Hamilton, Horace Mann e John Murray / a cura di Gigliola Pagano De Divitiis, Vincenzo Giura.
Italy Foreign Relations 1922 1945 Pictorial Works : I nazisti : i rapporti tra Italia e Germania nelle fotografie dell'Istituto Luce / Carlo Gentile, Lutz Klinkhammer, Steffen Prauser.; Gentile, Carlo.
Italy Foreign Relations Germany Pictorial Works : I nazisti : i rapporti tra Italia e Germania nelle fotografie dell'Istituto Luce / Carlo Gentile, Lutz Klinkhammer, Steffen Prauser.; Gentile, Carlo.