Jews Cultural Assimilation Germany Berlin : The Berlin Jewish community [electronic resource] : enlightenment, family, and crisis, 1770-1830 / Steven M. Lowenstein.; Lowenstein, Steven M.,
Jews Czech Republic Bohemia : Zur Geschichte der Juden in Böhmen, Mähren und Schlesien, von 906 bis 1620 [microform] / herausgegeben von Gottlieb Bondy ; zur herausgabe vorbereitet und ergänzt von Franz Dworský.
Jews Czech Republic Moravia : Zur Geschichte der Juden in Böhmen, Mähren und Schlesien, von 906 bis 1620 [microform] / herausgegeben von Gottlieb Bondy ; zur herausgabe vorbereitet und ergänzt von Franz Dworský.
Jews Dietary Laws Early Works To 1800 : A briefe refutation of Iohn Traskes iudaical and nouel fancyes : Stiling himselfe Minister of Gods Word, imprisoned for the lawes eternall perfection, or God's lawes perfect eternity. By B. D. Catholike Deuine.; Falconer, John,
Jews Economic Conditions Congresses : Jews and port cities, 1590-1990 : commerce, community and cosmopolitanism / editors, David Cesarani and Gemma Romain.
Jews Education England Shefford : Shefford : the story of a Jewish school community in evacuation 1939-1945 / Judith Grunfeld.; Grunfeld-Rosenbaum, Judith.
Jews Election Doctrine Of Early Works To 1800 : De vniversali et novissima Ivdæorum vocatione : secundum apertissimam Divi Pauli prophetiam, in vltimis hisce diebus prłstanda liber vnus. Vbi demonstratur, tum quem in modum illius gentis conversio expectanda sit, tum quid eam maximè adhuc impediat & remoretur, & alia explicantur quæ ad huius rei cognitionem necessaria videri possint.; Willet, Andrew,
Jews Emancipation Germany Berlin : The Berlin Jewish community [electronic resource] : enlightenment, family, and crisis, 1770-1830 / Steven M. Lowenstein.; Lowenstein, Steven M.,
Jews Emancipation Germany Schleswig Holstein : Ueber die Emancipation der Juden in Schleswig-Holstein [microform] : ein Wort zur Beherzigung an die Schleswig-Holsteinischen Provinzialstände.
Jews Emancipation Great Britain : The complaint of the children of Israel [microform] : representing their grievances under the penal laws, and praying that if the tests are repealed, the Jews may have the benefit of this indulgence in common with all other subjects of England : in a letter to a Reverend High Priest of the Church by Law Established / by Solomon Abrabanel of the House of David.; Arnall, William,
Jews Emancipation Romania : Voyages en orient [microform] : les Juifs et les étrangers en Roumanie / Eusebio Gonzalez y Mendoza ; traduit de l'Espagnol par Jules Flamerie.; Gonzalez y Mendoza, Eusebio.
Jews Emancipation Russia : The Jewish question in Russia [microform] / by Prince Demidoff San-Donato ; translated from the Russian by J. Michell.; Demidov, Pavel Pavlovich,
Jews England Commerce Early Works To 1800 : An abstract of all the statutes made concerning aliens trading in England from the first-year of K. Henry the VII : also, of all the laws made for securing our plantation trade to our selves : with observations thereon, proving that the Jews (in their practical way of trade at this time) break them all, to the great damage of the King in his customs, the merchants in their trade, the whole kingdom, and His Majesties plantations in America in their staple : together with the hardships and difficulties the author hath already met with, in his endeavouring to find out and detect the ways and methods they take to effect it / by Samuel Hayne ...; Hayne, Samuel,
Jews England Conversion To Christianity Early Works To 1800 : To the honourable the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses, and Commons of England, in Parliament assembled. : The humble petition of the ministers, church-wardens, overseers of the poor, and principal inhabitants of the respective parishes of St. Andrew-Undershaft, St. Buttolphs Bishopsgate, St. Buttolphs Aldgate, St. Katherine Creechurch, St. Katherine Coleman, and St. James Dukes-place, in the City of London.
Jews England Economic Conditions : The rag race : how Jews sewed their way to success in America and the British Empire / Adam D. Mendelsohn.; Mendelsohn, Adam,