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Jews Senegal Petite Coast History 16th Century : The forgotten diaspora : Jewish communities in West Africa and the making of the Atlantic world / Peter Mark, José da Silva Horta.; Mark, Peter  2011 1
Jews Senegal Petite Coast History 17th Century : The forgotten diaspora : Jewish communities in West Africa and the making of the Atlantic world / Peter Mark, José da Silva Horta.; Mark, Peter  2011 1
Jews Sermons : A sermon preached before the Right Honourable George Earl of Berkeley, Governour, and the Company of Merchants of England trading into the Levant Seas : at St. Peters Church in Broadstreet, January, 25, 1680 / by Charles Hickman ...; Hickman, Charles,  1681 1
Jews Sexual Behavior : Jews & sex / edited by Nathan Abrams.  2008 1
Jews Silesia : Zur Geschichte der Juden in Böhmen, Mähren und Schlesien, von 906 bis 1620 [microform] / herausgegeben von Gottlieb Bondy ; zur herausgabe vorbereitet und ergänzt von Franz Dworský.  1993 1
Jews Silesia History : Geschichte der Juden in Schlesien [microform] / von M. Brann.; Brann, M.  1993 1
Jews Slovakia History 20th Century : Tragedy of Slovak Jews.  2002 1
Jews Social Conditions   6
Jews Social Conditions Early Works To 1800 : Petrus Cunæus of the common-wealth of the Hebrews. / Translated by C.B.; Cunaeus, Petrus.  1653 1
Jews Social Life And Customs   3
Jews Social Life And Customs 20th Century Ukshu : Survey of Jewish Affairs / edited by William Frankel.  1985 1
Jews Social Life And Customs Early Works To 1800   4
Jews Social Life And Customs To 70 A D   5
Jews Social Networks Congresses : Jews and port cities, 1590-1990 : commerce, community and cosmopolitanism / editors, David Cesarani and Gemma Romain.  2006 1
Jews South Africa   2
Jews South Africa Attitudes Toward Israel   2
Jews South Africa Biography : Soap to Senate : a German Jew at the dawn of Apartheid / by Adam Yamey.; Yamey, Adam.  2016 1
Jews South Africa Correspondence : From things lost : forgotten letters and the legacy of the Holocaust / Shirli Gilbert.; Gilbert, Shirli,  2017 1
Jews South Africa History   8
Jews South Africa History 19th Century   3
Jews South Africa History 20th Century   5
Jews South Africa Johannesburg History : Founders and followers : Johannesburg Jewry, 1887-1915 / edited by Mendel Kaplan & Marian Robertson.  1991 1
Jews South Africa Politics And Government   4
Jews South Africa Politics And Government 20th Century Pictorial Work : Looking back : Jews in the struggle for democracy and human rights in South Africa / compiled by Milton Shain ... [et al.].  2001 1
Jews South Africa Portraits : Jewish memories of Mandela / [text, David Saks].; Saks, David.  2011 1
Jews South Africa Social Conditions : Remembering the Holocaust in a racial state : Holocaust memory in South Africa from apartheid to democracy (1948-1994) / Roni Mikel-Arieli.; Mikel-Arieli, Roni,  2022 1
Jews Soviet Union   2
Jews Soviet Union Biography : Memoirs of a Jewish Prisoner of the Gulag [electronic resource].; Preigerzon, Zvi.  2022 1
Jews Soviet Union History   12
  Jews Soviet Union History Pogroms 1881 1882 -- See Pogroms Russia
Jews Spain   3
Jews Spain Andalusia History : The myth of the Andalusian paradise : Muslims, Christians, and Jews under Islamic rule in medieval Spain / Dario Fernandez-Morera.; Fernández-Morera, Darío,  2017 1
Jews Spain Castile History   2
Jews Spain Galicia : Los judios en el reino de Galicia.; Onega, Jose Ramon.  1981 1
Jews Spain History   13
Jews Spain Identity : The other within : the Marranos : split identity and emerging modernity / Yirmiyahu Yovel.; Yovel, Yirmiyahu.  c2009 1
Jews Spain Leon History : Las juderias de la provincia de Leon.; Rodriguez Fernandez, Justiniano.  1976 1
Jews Spain Toledo : Judios de Toledo.; Leon Tello, Pilar.  1979 1
Jews Study And Teaching Higher South Africa Cape Town : The first twenty-five years : the Isaac & Jessie Kaplan Centre for Jewish Studies and Research, University of Cape Town / [compiled by Milton Shain and Janine Blumberg].  2005 1
Jews Suriname History : Jewish autonomy in a slave society : Suriname in the Atlantic world, 1651-1825 / Aviva Ben-Ur.; Ben-Ur, Aviva,  2020 1
Jews Trujillo : Trujillo : a Jewish community in Extremadura on the eve of the expulsion from Spain.; Beinart, Haim.  1980 1
Jews Turkey Aphrodisias : Jews and god-fearers at Aphrodisias : Greek inscriptions with commentary / Joyce Reynolds and Robert Tannenbaum.; Reynolds, Joyce.  1987 1
Jews Turkey History Early Works To 1800 : The Jewes message to their brethern in Holland; and a new letter touching their further proceedings sent from the kingdom of Scotland: with the arrive [sic] of some of them near Aberdeen, in a small ship, whose sails were white cranched sattin, their ropes and tackling silk of the sames colour; and their food on board only rice and pure honey. Also, another letter from Dr. Serarias, to doctor Homes; the rendovouzing of sexteen hundred thousand in the Turks dominions; and threescore thousand come into Europe; the Great Turks sad and fearful dream; and strange miracles performed by the Captain-general of the wandring Israelites; a description of their persons, habits, and weapons; the granting of liberty of conscience to all excepting infidels; a prophecie touching the downfal of Babylon in 66, and the year of reformation for the Gospel to be preached throughout all nations.  1665 1
Jews Ukraine Lviv History : Geschichte der Juden in Lemberg [microform] : von den ältesten Zeiten bis zur Theilung Polens im Jahre 1792 : aus Chroniken und archivalischen Quellen bearbeitet / von Jecheskiel Caro.; Caro, Jecheskel,  1993 1
Jews Ukraine Odesa Historiography : Imagining Russian Jewry : memory, history, identity / Steven J. Zipperstein.; Zipperstein, Steven J.,  1999 1
Jews United States   26
Jews United States Attitudes   5
Jews United States Attitudes Toward Israel   3
Jews United States Biography   4
Jews United States Biography Dictionaries : Jewish women in America : an historical encyclopedia / edited by Paula E. Hyman and Deborah Dash Moore ; sponsored by the American Jewish Historical Society.  1998 1
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