John Johnson Collection : A nation of shopkeepers : trade ephemera from 1654 to the 1860s in the John Johnson Collection : an exhibition in the Bodleian Library, Autumn 2001.; A Nation of Shopkeepers (Exhibition)
John Lewis Partnership Plc : The success story of the John Lewis Partnership : a study of comparative performance : a research report / prepared by K. Bradley and S. Estrin.; Bradley, Keith.
John Of Austria 1629 1679 : The Spanish history, or, A relation of the differences that happened in the court of Spain between Don John of Austria and Cardinal Nitard : with other transactions of that kingdom : together with all the letters ... relating to those affairs.
John Of Grimestone : A descriptive index of the English lyrics in John of Grimestone's preaching book.; Wilson, Edward,
John Of Leiden Approximately 1510 1536 : Munster and Abingdon, or, The open rebellion there [brace] and [brace] unhappy tumult here : (bred in the same wombe) that from Sleidans Comm. L. 10. [brace] [brace] this from eye and eare witnesses : with marginal notes of Mvncer and Mahomet, faithfully communicated to English readers, in a booke and postscript, for a seasonable caution to the British nation and a serious check to rash and giddy spirits / by W.H.; Hughes, William,
John Theodore : An account of the conversion of Theodore John, a late teacher among the Jews : together with his confession of faith which he delivered immediately before he was baptized in the presence of the Lutheran congregation in the German church in Little-Trinity Lane, London on the 23d. Sunday after Trinity, being the 31st of October ... 1692 / translated out of High Dutch into English.; John, Theodore.
Johns John : The banner of injustice and endlesse oppression displayed to the worlds view, or, The case of John Rayment, citizen and baker of London, stated : who for these fifteen years hath been causlesly, maliciously, and wickedly sued in the law and most unjustly persecuted and imprisoned in the Fleet by the wicked prosecution of one John Johns ... / published by Iohn Rayment.; Rayment, John.
Johnson Alderman : To the honourable, the Commons House of Parliament. The information of Iohn Bargraue esquire, shewing the seuerall abuses of the gouernment of the plantation in Virginia. : against Sir Thomas Smith knight. Alderman Iohnson & alias.; Bargrave, John,
Johnson County War 1892 : Violence in the West : the Johnson County Range War and the Ludlow Massacre : a brief history with documents / Marilynn S. Johnson.; Johnson, Marilynn S.
Johnson Francis 1562 1618 : A defence of the churches and ministery of Englande : Written in two treatises, against the reasons and obiections of Maister Francis Iohnson, and others of the separation commonly called Brownists. Published, especially, for the benefitt of those in these partes of the lowe Countries.; Jacob, Henry,