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Judaism History Post Exilic Period 586 B C 210 A D Congresses : Sectarianism in early Judaism : sociological advances / [edited by] David J. Chalcraft.  2007 1
Judaism History Talmudic Period 10 425   2
Judaism History To 70 A D   5
Judaism In Art : Judaism and Christian art : aesthetic anxieties from the catacombs to colonialism / edited by Herbert L. Kessler and David Nirenberg.  2011 1
Judaism In Literature   18
Judaism Juvenile Literature   39
Judaism Liturgical Objects : Judaism in evidence / written by Alison Bramhall.; Bramhall, Alison,  1997 1
Judaism Liturgy   2
Judaism Liturgy Early Works To 1800 : The Jewes synagogue: or, A treatise concerning the ancient orders and manner of worship used by the Jewes in their synagogue-assemblies. : Gathered out of the sacred scriptures, the Jewish Rabines, and such modern authors, which have been most conversant in the study of Jewish customes. Wherein, by comparing the scriptures in the Old and New Testament together, many truths are fully opened, and sundry controversies about church-government truly and plainly stated. By William Pinchion of Springfeild [sic] in N. England.; Pynchon, William,  1652 1
Judaism Liturgy History   2
Judaism Liturgy Texts : A sedra Haftorah table / by S.M. Drach.; Drach, S.M.  1864 1
Judaism Minnesota Lakeville : Jewish identity on the suburban frontier / edited by M.Sklare and J.Greenblum.; Sklare, Marshall.  1967 1
Judaism Netherlands Amsterdam History 17th Century   2
Judaism New York State New York History : The synagogues of New York's Lower East Side / photographs by Jo Renée Fine ; text by Gerard R. Wolfe.; Wolfe, Gerard R.  1978 1
Judaism Posters : Judaism.  1996 1
Judaism Relations   3
Judaism Relations Assyro Babylonian : Religion in Judah under the Assyrians, 732-609 B.C.; McKay, J. W.  1973 1
Judaism Relations Catholic Church History To 1500 : The scholastics and the Jews : coexistence, conversion, and the medieval origins of tolerance / by Edmund J. Mazza.; Mazza, Edmund J.,  2017 1
Judaism Relations Christianity   27
Judaism Relations Christianity 1945 : Lettre ouverte à l'Église de France.; Aron, Robert,  1975 1
Judaism Relations Christianity Congresses : Hebraica veritas? : Christian Hebraists and the study of Judaism in early modern Europe / edited by Allison P. Coudert and Jeffrey S. Shoulson.  c2004 1
Judaism Relations Christianity Early Works To 1800   12
Judaism Relations Christianity History : The friars and the Jews : the evolution of medieval anti-Judaism / Jeremy Cohen.; Cohen, Jeremy,  1984 1
Judaism Relations Christianity History 17th Century : Milton and the Jews / edited by Douglas A. Brooks.  2008 1
Judaism Relations Christianity History 18th Century : Connecting the covenants : Judaism and the search for Christian identity in eighteenth-century England / David B. Ruderman.; Ruderman, David B.  c2007 1
Judaism Relations Christianity History To 1500   3
Judaism Relations Christianity Middle Ages 600 1500 : From anti-Judaism to anti-Semitism : ancient and medieval constructions of Jewish history / Robert Chazan.; Chazan, Robert,  2016 1
Judaism Relations Evangelicalism : An Unusual Relationship : Evangelical Christians and Jews / Yaakov Ariel.; Ariel, Yaakov S.  2013 1
Judaism Relations Greek   2
Judaism Relations Islam   5
Judaism Relations Islam Sources : Judaism and Islam in practice : a sourcebook / Jacob Neusner, Tamara Sonn and Jonathan E. Brockopp.; Neusner, Jacob,  2000 1
Judaism Relations With Christianity Early Works To 1800   4
Judaism Sermons : Peculium dei : a discourse about the Jews, as the peculiar people of God in a sermon preached before the honourable the aldermen and citizens of London on the sixth of February, 1680/81 / by G. Hickes ...; Hickes, George,  1681 1
Judaism Social Aspects : Jews and blacks in the early modern world / Jonathan Schorsch.; Schorsch, Jonathan,  2004 1
Judaism Study And Teaching   26
Judaism Study And Teaching Elementary : Judaism in evidence / written by Alison Bramhall.; Bramhall, Alison,  1997 1
Judaism Study And Teaching Elementary Activity Programs Great Britain : Jewish people / written by Lat Blaylock, Kate Christopher, Julia Diamond-Conway, Fiona Moss and Stephen Pett of the RE Today Services advisory team.  2019 1
Judaism Study And Teaching Elementary Great Britain   4
Judaism Study And Teaching Great Britain : Whatever happened to British Jewish studies? / editors, Hannah Ewence and Tony Kushner.  2012 1
Judaism Study And Teaching Higher History Congresses : Hebraica veritas? : Christian Hebraists and the study of Judaism in early modern Europe / edited by Allison P. Coudert and Jeffrey S. Shoulson.  c2004 1
Judaism Study And Teaching Lebanon Beirut : Reading Herzl in Beirut : the PLO effort to know the enemy / Jonathan Marc Gribetz.; Gribetz, Jonathan Marc,  2024 1
Judaism Study And Teaching Secondary Activity Programs Great Britain : Judaism / written by Lat Blaylock, Kate Christopher, Julia Diamond-Conway, Fiona Moss and Stephen Pett of the RE Today Services advisory team.  2019 1
Judaism Study And Teaching Secondary Alberta : A trust betrayed : the Keegstra affair / by David Bercuson & Douglas Wertheimer.; Bercuson, David Jay,  1987 1
Judaism United States   5
Judaism United States History : Jews in America.; Diner, Hasia R.  c1999 1
Judaism United States History 19th Century : The Americanization of the synagogue,1820-1870.; Jick, Leon A.  1976 1
Judaism Works To 1900   9
Judas Iscariot : Iudas kisse to the sonne of Marie. / Made by Iames Cockburne..; Cockburne, James.  1605 1
Judean Desert Antiquities : New studies in the archaeology of the Judean Desert : collected papers / editors, Ofer Sion, Joe Uziel, Amir Ganor, Eitan Klein.  2023 1
Judge Made Law : Supreme courts and judicial law-making : constitutional tribunals and constitutional review / by Edward McWhinney.; McWhinney, Edward.  1986 1
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