Judaism Liturgy Early Works To 1800 : The Jewes synagogue: or, A treatise concerning the ancient orders and manner of worship used by the Jewes in their synagogue-assemblies. : Gathered out of the sacred scriptures, the Jewish Rabines, and such modern authors, which have been most conversant in the study of Jewish customes. Wherein, by comparing the scriptures in the Old and New Testament together, many truths are fully opened, and sundry controversies about church-government truly and plainly stated. By William Pinchion of Springfeild [sic] in N. England.; Pynchon, William,
Judaism New York State New York History : The synagogues of New York's Lower East Side / photographs by Jo Renée Fine ; text by Gerard R. Wolfe.; Wolfe, Gerard R.
Judaism Relations Christianity Congresses : Hebraica veritas? : Christian Hebraists and the study of Judaism in early modern Europe / edited by Allison P. Coudert and Jeffrey S. Shoulson.
Judaism Sermons : Peculium dei : a discourse about the Jews, as the peculiar people of God in a sermon preached before the honourable the aldermen and citizens of London on the sixth of February, 1680/81 / by G. Hickes ...; Hickes, George,
Judaism Social Aspects : Jews and blacks in the early modern world / Jonathan Schorsch.; Schorsch, Jonathan,
Judas Iscariot : Iudas kisse to the sonne of Marie. / Made by Iames Cockburne..; Cockburne, James.
Judean Desert Antiquities : New studies in the archaeology of the Judean Desert : collected papers / editors, Ofer Sion, Joe Uziel, Amir Ganor, Eitan Klein.
Judge Made Law : Supreme courts and judicial law-making : constitutional tribunals and constitutional review / by Edward McWhinney.; McWhinney, Edward.