Jury United States History : The American revolution in the law : Anglo-American jurisprudence before John Marshall / Shannon C. Stimson.; Stimson, Shannon C.,
Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici : Certaine queries touching the ordination of ministers. : Soberly propounded to the serious consideration of all the parochiall ministers of England in generall; and more especially those sundry ministers in London authors of a late printed booke entituled Ius divinum regiminis ecclesiastici: or the divine right of church-government, &c. Or the opening of a doore into a further discussion of the divine right of presbyters by succession, and of the interrest of particular churches in the ordination of their owne officers: as also of mens preaching without ordination. / By W.A. a well-willer to the affaires of the Gospell.; Aspinwall, William,
Jus Feciale Armatae Daniae : An Answer to tvvo Danish papers : the one called Jus feciale armatae Daniae, the other, A manifest / faithfully translated out of the Latine original, which was published by the King of Swedens command.
Jus Populi : A Letter to the unknown author of Jus populi
Jus Primae Noctis : The lord's first night : the myth of the droit de cuissage / translated by Lydia G. Cochrane.; Boureau, Alain.
Just Censure Of Francis Buggs Address To The Parliament Against The Quakers : A just rebuke to the Quakers insolent behaviour, in their two books, i.e. A just censure, &c. the other, A sober reply, &c. : both presented to some members of Parliament. : Also a dialogue between a civilian and a Quaker.; Bugg, Francis,
Just In Time Systems Japan : A study of the Toyota production system from an industrial engineering viewpoint / newly translated by Andrew P. Dillon.; ShingÅ, Shigeo,
Just In Time Systems Michigan Battle Creek : Process kanban in final assembly [videorecording] : kaizen, quality inspection, heijunka synchronization with the customer, visual factory management and lead-time reduction examples with supplier kanban in Denso's Michigan Manufacturing Plant, USA : an engineering management educational program ; an in-depth technical discussion and practical industrial demonstrations with Bryan Denbrock.
Just Measures : For G.P. or the author of a little book entituled, Just measures, in an epistle, &c. and to all approvers thereof; : with a postscript and a few words to the yearly meeting in London.; Raunce, John,
Just War Doctrine Handbooks Manuals Etc : Routledge handbook of ethics and war : just war theory in the twenty-first century / edited by Fritz Allhoff, Nicholas G. Evans and Adam Henschke.
Justice Administration Of Denmark : Hauschildt case : 1.Decision of 26 September 1988 (relinquishment of jurisdiction); 2.Judgment of 24 May 1989.; European Court of Human Rights.
Justice Administration Of Early Works To 1800 : The security of English-mens lives, or, The trust, power, and duty of the grand jurys of England : explaining according to the fundamentals of the English government, and the declarations of the same made in Parliament by many statutes : published for the prevention of Popish designs against the lives of many Protestant lords and commoners, who stand firm to the religion and ancient government of England.; Somers, John Somers,
Justice Administration Of England Durham County : The justicing notebook (1750-64) of Edmund Tew, Rector of Boldon / edited and with an introduction by Gwenda Morgan and Peter Rushton.; Tew, Edmund,
Justice Administration Of England Hertford Early Works To 1800 : Hertf. ss. At the general quarter-sessions of the publick peace holden for the county of Hertford, on the fourteenth and sixteenth dayes of July, in the year of our Lord, one thousand six hundred fifty and six.. It is ordered by this court, that whatsoever officer shall, according to law, apprehend any rogues or vagabonds ...
Justice Administration Of Europe Data Processing Congresses : Changes in law and information technology : policies, strategies and people : proceedings : 26th Colloquy on European Law, Stockholm (Sweden), 18-20 June 1996.; Colloquy on European Law
Justice Administration Of Europe Eastern : Government, law and courts in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe / general editors, Vladimir Gsovski and Kazimierz Grzybowski.