Kemalism : Ataturk : lessons in leadership from the greatest general of the Ottoman Empire / Austin Bay.; Bay, Austin.
Kembden Captaine : Welcome newes from Ireland, or A victorious battell of the Protestant armie. : Fought betweene these three noble and magnanimous pillars of Ptotestant [sic] religion, the Earle of Wormouth, the Lord Balteamoure, and Captaine Kembden, lately come from the King of Swedlands service, against the whole army of the rebels in the western parts. : Shewing in a most true and reall relation the manner how this battel was fought, continuing for the space of two dayes and one night, with the number of the men that were slain, and the names of those lords which they tooke prisoners, also a true discovery of that great conspiracy against the city of Westchester, and some ships there. / Brought over by Mr. William Damon, an eye-witnesse to the same.; Damon, William.
Kemberton England Maps : [Shropshire] [cartographic material] : sheet SJ 70 SW.; Great Britain.
Kemble England Maps : Gloucestershire - Wiltshire [cartographic material] : sheet ST 99 NE.; Great Britain.
Kemp Tom 1921 : History, economic history and the future of Marxism : essays in memory of Tom Kemp (1921-1993) / edited by Terry Brotherstone and Geoff Pilling.
Kempe Andreas : Suppression, struggle and success : studies on three representatives of cultural life in Sweden : Fredrika Bremer, Andreas Kempe and Linnaeus.
Kempe Charles Eamer 1837 1907 : Espying heaven : the stained glass of Charles Eamer Kempe and his artists / Adrian Barlow ; photography by Alastair Carew-Cox.; Barlow, Adrian,
Kempsford England Maps : Gloucestershire - Wiltshire [cartographic material] : sheet SU 19 NE.; Great Britain.
Kempster Bartholomew : Batt upon batt. : A poem upon the parts, patience, and pains, of Barthol. Kempster, clerk, poet, cutler, of Holy-Rood-Parish in Southampton. / By a person of quality. To which is annexed The vision, wherein is described Batts̀ person and ingenuity; with an account of the ancient and present state and glory of Southampton. By the same author. Dedicated to the gentry of Hampshire, for their diversion: but more especially to the inhabitants of Southampton.; Speed, John,
Kempston England Maps : Bedfordshire [cartographic material] : sheet TL 04 NW.; Great Britain.
Kendall George Clerk Of The Survey At Deptford Clerk Of The Surveigh Survei : The ansvver of Edward Hayward, : clerk of the survey at Chatham, (meerly for his own vindication) to a most abusive and scandalous pamphlet, lately published and dispersed by George Kendall, M.A. (as he stiles himself) and clerk of the survey at Deptford, and Woolwich.; Hayward, Edward,
Kendall Whaling Museum : Kendall Whaling Museum prints / by M.V. & Dorothy Brewington.; Kendall Whaling Museum.
Kenelm Saint : Three eleventh-century Anglo-Latin saints' lives : Vita S. Birini, Vita et miracula S. Kenelmi, and Vita S. Rumwoldi / edited and translated by Rosalind C. Love.
Kenfig Wales Maps : Glamorgan [cartographic material] : sheet SS 78 SE & part of SS 77 NE.; Great Britain.
Kenilworth Castle Kenilworth England : A letter : whearin part of the entertainment vntoo the Queenz Maiesty at Killingwoorth Castl in Warwik sheer in this soomerz progress 1575 is signified / from a freend officer attendant in coourt vntoo hiz freend a citizen and merchaunt of London.; Laneham, Robert,