Labor Disputes England Liverpool : GEC-EE (General Electric Company-English Electric) : workers' Weinstock's [crossed out] takeover.
Labor Disputes England London : Report of a panel of investigation into current difficulties affecting the Transport and General Workers Union, the Dagenham Cold Store and associated companies at Ripple Road, Dagenham, and F.J. Robertson Limited, and also the effect on employers of registered dock labour in the London area.; Great Britain.
Labor Disputes England North East : Scottish and Newcastle Breweries Limited : report of an inquiry into industrial relations in the transport activities of the company's north east region.; Great Britain.
Labor Disputes Great Britain History : Coal and its conflicts : a brief record of the disputes between capital and labour in the coal mining industry of Great Britain.; Raynes, John Richard,
Labor Disputes India : Adjudication in the trade dispute between the Posts and Telegraphs Department and its non-gazetted employees : (directed by the Government of India under rule 81-A of the Defence of India Rules).; Rajadhyaksha, G.S.
Labor Disputes Indonesia : Indonesia's emerging proletariat : workers and their struggles / edited by David Bourchier.
Labor Disputes Jamaica : The end of empire : transition to independence in Jamaica and other Caribbean region colonies / Richard Hart.; Hart, Richard,
Labor Early Works To 1800 : The trades-man's calling : Being a discourse concerning the nature, necessity, choice, &c. of a calling in general: and directions, for the right managing of the trades-man's calling in particular. By Richard Steele , M.A. and minister of the gospel.; Steele, Richard,
Labor Economics Asia : Workers, institutions, and economic growth in Asia / edited by Gerry Rodgers.
Labor Economics Congresses : The economics of the labour market : proceedings of a Conference on the Labour Market, sponsored by Her Majesty's Treasury, the Department of Employment and the Manpower Services Commission, 10-12th September 1979 at Magdalen College, Oxford / edited by Zmira Hornstein, Joseph Grice and Alfred Webb.; Conference on the Labour Market
Labor England History To 1500 : The problem of labour in fourteenth-century England / edited by James Bothwell, P.J.P. Goldberg, and W.M. Ormrod.
Labor England History To 1500 Congresses : The problem of labour in fourteenth-century England / edited by James Bothwell, P.J.P. Goldberg, and W.M. Ormrod.; Bothwell, James.
Labor England Manchester : Labour history of Manchester and Salford : a bibliography / compiled by E. Conway ... [et al.].; Manchester Centre for Marxist Education.
Labor England Scunthorpe : Labour in Scunthorpe and district. Vol.1, The parliamentary experience, 1929-1979 / produced by the Labour History Group of the Scunthorpe & District Workers' Education Association.; Workers' Educational Association.
Labor European Union Countries : Beyond employment : changes in work and the future of labour law in Europe / Alain Supiot, with Maria Emilia Casa...[et al.].; Supiot, Alain.
Labor Great Britain History 20th Century : The social cost of cheap food : labour and the political economy of food distribution in Britain, 1830-1914 / Sébastien Rioux.; Rioux, Sébastien,