Latitudinarianism Church Of England Controversial Literature Early Works To : A defence of the doctrine of justification, by faith in Jesus Christ: shewing, true Gospel-holiness flows from thence. Or, Mr. Fowler's pretended design of Christianity, proved to be nothing more then to trample under foot the blood of the Son of God : and the idolizing of man's own righteousness. As also, how while he pretends to be a minister of the Church of England, he overthroweth the wholesom doctrine contained in the 10th. 11th. and 13th. of the Thirty Nine Articles of the same, and that he falleth in with the Quaker, and Romanist, against them. By John Bunyan.; Bunyan, John,
Latoure James Francis De : Concilium apud Fernham, decimo tertio die mensis Maii, anno Domini 1644 : Præsentibus Major Generall Potley, Pres. Gen Wembbs. Col. Welden. Col Jones. Lieft. Col. Baines. Lieft. Col. Zachary. Lieft. Col. Kempson. Lieft. Col. Leighton. Major Sedaskew. Major King. Major Hobson. Major Wombell. Major Anderson. Capt. Butler. Capt. Foley. Capt. Willet. Capt. Griffen. Capt. Gardner. Capt. Bradsàw. The censure of Captaine James Francis de Latoure upon certaine articles pronounced against him by Lewis Mareschall his Lieftenant before the Councell of Warre.; England and Wales.
Latvia Foreign Public Opinion : The case for Latvia [electronic resource] : disinformation campaigns against a small nation : fourteen hard questions and straight answers about a Baltic country / Jukka Rislakki.; Rislakki, Jukka.
Latvia Foreign Relations : The case for Latvia [electronic resource] : disinformation campaigns against a small nation : fourteen hard questions and straight answers about a Baltic country / Jukka Rislakki.; Rislakki, Jukka.
Latvia Foreign Relations Russia Federation : The case for Latvia [electronic resource] : disinformation campaigns against a small nation : fourteen hard questions and straight answers about a Baltic country / Jukka Rislakki.; Rislakki, Jukka.
Latvians United States : The Latvians in America,1640-1973 : a chronology and fact book / compiled and edited by M.Karklis,L.Streips and L.Streips.; Karklis, Maruta.
Laud William : An Account of the proceedings at the Sessions for the City of Westminster against Thomas Whitfield, scrivener, John Smallbones, woodmonger, and William Laud, painter : for tearing a petition prepared to be presented to the Kings Majestie, for the sitting of the Parliament : with an account of the said petition presented on the 13th instant, and His Majesties gracious answer.
Laud William 1573 1645 Speech Delivered In The Starr Chamber On Wed : Divine and politike observations nevvly translated out of the Dutch language, vvherein they vvere lately divulged. Upon some lines in the speech of the Arch. B. of Canterbury, pronounced in the Starre-Chamber upon 14. June, 1637. Very expedient for preventing all prejudice, which as well through ignorance, as through malice and flattery, may be incident to the judgement which men make thereby, either of his Graces power over the Church, and with the King, or of the equity, justice, and wisdome of his end in his said speech, and of the reasons used by him for attaining to his said end; Theophilus,
Laudatory Poetry 18th Century : The ridotto* of Bath, : a panegyrick / written by a gentleman, resident in that city: being an epistle from Timothy Screw, under-server to Messrs. Kuhf and Fitzwater, to his brother Henry, waiter, at Almack's. Published originally in the Bath Chronicle, October 10th, 1771.; Sheridan, Richard Brinsley,