Leo Ix Pope 1002 1054 : The papal reform of the eleventh century : lives of Pope Leo IX and Pope Gregory VII / selected sources translated and annotated by I.S. Robinson.
Leo Maxim 1970 : Red love : the story of an East German family / Maxim Leo ; translated from the German by Shaun Whiteside.; Leo, Maxim,
Leonardo Da Vinci 1452 1519 Trattato Della Pittura : Leonardo da Vinci's "Trattato della pittura" ("Treatise on painting") : a bibliography of the printed editions, 1651-1956, based on the complete collection in the Elmer Belt Library of Vinciana ...; Steinitz, Kate Traumann.
Leonardo Da Vinci Programme : Training in community based guidance : a formative evaluation of a developmental guidance project in four European countries, funded under the European Commission's Leonardo Da Vinci programme / A.G. Watts and John McCarthy.; Watts, A. G.
Leopold Iii King Of The Belgians 1901 1983 Public Opinion : Een koning geloofd, gelaakt, verloochend : de evolutie van de stemming onder de katholieke bevolking ten aanzien van Leopold III tijdens de bezetting (1940-1941).; Wijngaert, Mark van den,
Leopold Jan Hendrik : Schuilgelegen uitzicht : uitgave van en editie-technische en genetisch-interpretatieve beschouwingen bij enkele gedichten uit de nalatenschap van J.H. Leopold.; Dorleijn, Gillis Jan.
Leopold Museum Catalogues : Egon Schiele : masterpieces from the Leopold Museum / texts, Elisabeth Leopold, Rudolf Leopold, Franz Smola, Birgit Summerauer, Hans-Peter Wipplinger ; editing, Birgit Summerauer.; Leopold Museum,
Lepano Battle Of 1571 Early Works To 1800 : Letters sent from Venice. Anno. 1571 : Containing the certaine and true newes of the most noble victorie of the Christians ouer the armie of the great Turke: and the names of the lordes & gentlemen of the Christians slaine in the same battell. Translated out of the Frenche copie printed at Paris by Guille[...]d Niuerd, with the kings priuiledge.
Lepanto Battle Of 1517 Poetry Early Works To 1800 : Hollandi posthuma : A funerall elegie of King Iames: With a congratulatory salve to King Charles. An elegie of the magnanimous Henry Earle of Oxford. A description of the late great, fearefull and prodigious plague: and divers other patheticall poemes, elegies, and other lines, on divers subiectes. The post-humes of Abraham Holland, sometimes of Trinity-Colledge in Cambridge. The authors epitaph, made by himselfe.; Holland, Abraham,