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Leonardo Da Vinci Programme : Training in community based guidance : a formative evaluation of a developmental guidance project in four European countries, funded under the European Commission's Leonardo Da Vinci programme / A.G. Watts and John McCarthy.; Watts, A. G.  1998 1
Leonardo Y Argensola Bartolome Juan   2
Leonardo Y Argensola Lupercio : Los Argensola.; Molina, Joaquin Aznar.  1939 1
Leone Sergio 1929 1989   2
Leontev Konstantin Nikolaevich 1831 1891 : Konstantin Leontev, 1831-1891 : a study in Russian "heroic vitalism."; Lukashevich, Stephen.  1967 1
Leontopithecus : Lion tamarins : biology and conservation / edited by Devra G. Kleiman and Anthony B. Rylands.  c2002 1
Leopardi Giacomo 1798 1837   26
Leopold Aldo 1886 1948 : In defense of the land ethic : essays in environmental philosophy / J. Baird Callicott.; Callicott, J. Baird,  1989 1
Leopold I Holy Roman Emperor 1640 1705   14
Leopold Ii King Of The Belgians 1835 1909   6
Leopold Iii King Of The Belgians 1901 1983   5
Leopold Iii King Of The Belgians 1901 1983 Public Opinion : Een koning geloofd, gelaakt, verloochend : de evolutie van de stemming onder de katholieke bevolking ten aanzien van Leopold III tijdens de bezetting (1940-1941).; Wijngaert, Mark van den,  1984 1
Leopold Iii Saint Margrave Of Austria 1075 1136 : Leopold, der Heilige : ein Portrait aus dem Frühling des Mittelalters / Karl Brunner.; Brunner, Karl,  c2009 1
Leopold Jan Hendrik : Schuilgelegen uitzicht : uitgave van en editie-technische en genetisch-interpretatieve beschouwingen bij enkele gedichten uit de nalatenschap van J.H. Leopold.; Dorleijn, Gillis Jan.  1984 1
Leopold Joseph Archduke Of Austria 1700 1701 : Gedachtnüsz-Müntz auf die glückliche Geburt des Königlichen Prinzen und Erzherzogen.  1700? 1
Leopold Museum Catalogues : Egon Schiele : masterpieces from the Leopold Museum / texts, Elisabeth Leopold, Rudolf Leopold, Franz Smola, Birgit Summerauer, Hans-Peter Wipplinger ; editing, Birgit Summerauer.; Leopold Museum,  2017 1
Leopold Nathan Freudenthal : Leopold and Loeb : the crime of the century.; Higdon, Hal.  1999 1
Leopold V Archduke Of Tyrol 1586 1632   3
Leopold Wilhelm Archduke Of Austria 1614 1662   4
Lepage Robert Marcel 1951   5
Lepano Battle Of 1571 Early Works To 1800 : Letters sent from Venice. Anno. 1571 : Containing the certaine and true newes of the most noble victorie of the Christians ouer the armie of the great Turke: and the names of the lordes & gentlemen of the Christians slaine in the same battell. Translated out of the Frenche copie printed at Paris by Guille[...]d Niuerd, with the kings priuiledge.  1571? 1
Lepanto Battle Of 1517 Poetry Early Works To 1800 : Hollandi posthuma : A funerall elegie of King Iames: With a congratulatory salve to King Charles. An elegie of the magnanimous Henry Earle of Oxford. A description of the late great, fearefull and prodigious plague: and divers other patheticall poemes, elegies, and other lines, on divers subiectes. The post-humes of Abraham Holland, sometimes of Trinity-Colledge in Cambridge. The authors epitaph, made by himselfe.; Holland, Abraham,  1626 1
Lepanto Battle Of 1571 Early Works To 1800 : The history of Venice : written originally in Italian, by Paulo Paruta, Procurator of St. Mark. To which is added the Wars of Cyprus. By the same author. Wherein the famous sieges of Nicossia, and Famagosta, and battel of Lepanto are contained. Now humbly dedicated to their excellencies the ambassadors from Venice. Made English, by Henry Earl of Monmouth.; Paruta, Paolo,  1696 1
Lepanto Battle Of 1571 Poetry   2
Lepanto Battle Of 1571 Poetry Early Works To 1800 : Lepanto. Latin; James  1604 1
Lepanto Battle Of Greece 1571   3
Lepers Europe History : The formation of a persecuting society : power and deviance in Western Europe, 950-1250.; Moore, R. I.  1990 1
Lepidoptera   3
Lepidoptera Classification : The lepidoptera : form, function, and diversity.; Scoble, Malcolm J.,  1992 1
Lepidoptera Conservation : Lepidoptera and conservation / T.R. New.; New, T. R.  2014 1
Lepidoptera Great Britain Geographical Distribution : A review of the scarce and threatened ethmiine, stathmopodine and gelechiid moths of Great Britain.; Parsons, M. S.  1995 1
Lepidoptera Habitat : Lepidoptera and conservation / T.R. New.; New, T. R.  2014 1
Lepidoptera Zoology Microlepidoptera   71
Leporidae : Distribution and systematics of the rabbits of west-central Mexico.; Diersing, Victor E.  1980 1
Leprechauns Fiction : Artemis Fowl.; Colfer, Eoin.  2001 1
Leprosy England Early Works To 1800   2
Leprosy England History To 1500 : Leprosy in medieval England / Carole Rawcliffe.; Rawcliffe, Carole,  2006 1
Leprosy Patients England Social Conditions : Leprosy in medieval England / Carole Rawcliffe.; Rawcliffe, Carole,  2006 1
Leprosy Sudan History 20th Century Sources : Church Missionary Society archive. Section IV, Africa missions. Part 7, Sudan, 1905-1949, Northern Sudan Mission, 1931-1949, Upper Nile Mission, 1926-1949 [microform].  1998 1
Leprosy Treatment England History To 1500 : Leprosy in medieval England / Carole Rawcliffe.; Rawcliffe, Carole,  2006 1
Lepschy Giulio : Essays in honour of Giulio Lepschy / edited by Z.G. Barański & L. Pertile.  1997 1
Leptodactylus Bolivianus Classification : Variation, systematics, and relationships of the Leptodactylus bolivianus complex (Amphibia: Anura: Leptodactylidae) / W. Ronald Heyer and Rafael O. de Sá.; Heyer, W. Ronald.  2011 1
Leptodactylus Bolivianus Variation : Variation, systematics, and relationships of the Leptodactylus bolivianus complex (Amphibia: Anura: Leptodactylidae) / W. Ronald Heyer and Rafael O. de Sá.; Heyer, W. Ronald.  2011 1
Leptons   42
Lerma Francisco Sandoval Y Rojas Duque De 1552 1625   2
Lermontov Mikhail Iurevich 1814 1841 : Lermontov : tragedy in the Caucasus / Laurence Kelly.; Kelly, Laurence,  1977 1
Leroux Gaston 1868 1927 Fantome De Lopera   2
Leroux Pierre 1797 1871 : Histoire d'une amitié (d'après une correspondance inédite, 1836-1866) [de] Pierre Leroux et George Sand / texte établi, présenté et commenté par Jean-Pierre Lacassagne.; Leroux, Pierre,  1973 1
Lerryn England Maps : Cornwall [cartographic material] : sheet SX 15 NW.; Great Britain.  1963 1
Lerwick Scotland Maps : Lerwick [cartographic material].; Great Britain.  1981 1
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