Lincolnshire England Militia Early Works To 1800 : Die Lunæ, 5 Junij, 1648 : an ordinance of the Lords & Commons assembled in Parliament, for raising a troop of horse in Lincolnshire, to be maintained by the said county ...; England and Wales.
Lincolnshire England Officials And Employees Early Works To 1800 : A discovery of the arbitrary, tyrannicall, and illegall actions of some of the committee of the county of Lincoln, : occasioned by a charge given to the grand jury at the Quarter Sessions of the peace held at Folkingham in the county aforesaid, upon the 5 of Octob. 1646. / By Edvvard King, of Marton in the county aforesaid Esquire, Justice of the Peace for that part of the county: wherein is set forth the exorbitancy of the said committee men, who transgressed the laws, changed the ordinances, and broak the solemn vow, League and covenant; with severall warrants under their hands for the cleer and evident proof of the same.; King, Edward,
Linconshire England Politics And Government Early Works To 1800 : A relation of a fight in the county of Lincoln, between the Kings forces, and the rebells of that county : Which happened upon the eleventh day of Aprill, anno Domini, 1643. Neere Ancaster. And was presented to Her Majesty at Yorke, Aprill 13. Together with the subscription of those gentlemen whose names follow at the end of the relation.
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Lindsay Alexander Active 1540 : Alexander Lindsay : a rutter of the Scottish seas circa 1540 : abridged version of a manuscript by ... A.B. Taylor / edited by I.H. Adams and G. Fortune.; Taylor, A. B.