Long Term Care Facilities Great Britain : Care homes for older people and younger adults : National minimum standards for care homes for older people : national minimum standards for care homes for younger adults (18-65) : proposed amended environmental standards : consultation document- August 2002.; Great Britain.
Long Walter : By the King, a proclamation for the apprehension of Walter Long esquire, and William Strode gentleman; England and Wales.
Long Walter Colonel : An ordinance and declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament : authorizing Colonell Walter Long to take and collect such moneys as have been formerly by him and others assessed, and are yet unpaid in severall hundreds of Essex, by vertue of a commission from his excellency the Earl of Essex.; England and Wales.
Long Walter Sir 1672 : By the King. A proclamation for the apprehension of Walter Long, Esquire, and William Strode, Gentleman..; England and Wales.
Long Waves Economics History : As time goes by : from the industrial revolutions to the information revolution / Chris Freeman and Francisco Louçã.; Freeman, Christopher,
Long Waves Economics Psychological Aspects : Film and the spirit of the age (1939-2004) : film genres, economic long waves and the public mood / Helmut Gaus, Jacqueline Van Hoe.; Gaus, Helmut,
Long Whatton England Maps : [Leicestershire - Nottinghamshire] [cartographic material] : sheet SK 42 SE.; Great Britain.
Long Wittenham England Maps : Berkshire - Oxfordshire [cartographic material] : sheet SU 59 SW.; Great Britain.
Longanesi Leo 1905 1957 : Un conservatore scomodo : Leo Longanesi dal fascismo alla Repubblica / Andrea Ungari.; Ungari, Andrea,
Longborough England Maps : [Gloucestershire] [cartographic material] : sheet SP 12 NE.; Great Britain.
Longevity Religious Aspects : Religion and the implications of radical life extension [electronic resource] / edited by Derek F. Maher and Calvin Mercer ; afterword by Ted Peters.
Longitude England Early Works To 1800 : The sea-man's kalender: or, An ephemerides of the sun, moon, and certain of the most notable fixed stars. : Also, rules for finding the prime, epact, moon's age, time of high-water, with tables for the same; and the courses, distances, and soundings of the coasts of England, Scotland, Ireland, France, &c. And a table of latitude and longitude, of the principal ports, head-lands, and islands in the world / first calculated by John Tap: now rectified and enlarg'd with many additions. Viz. A new exact table of the north-star, and new tables of 65 of the principal fixed-stars, their coming upon the meridian every day ; with their right ascension and declination, &c. With a discovery of the long hidden secret of longitude, by Henry Bond, teacher of the mathematicks. And many other rules and tables added, very useful in the art of navigation. By Henry Philippes, philo nauticus.; Tapp, John,