Lumber Tables Early Works To 1800 : A Table of the severall scantlings & sorts of tymber that shall bee vsed in ye future buildings of all edifices within the citty of London and liberties thereof : agreed upon by the lord maior, aldermen, & cõmons of the said citty in cõmon councell assembled as a rule for those that are to build, and a direction for those that are minded to furnish tymber for that service.; City of London (England).
Lumber Trade Baltic Sea Region History : The Baltic as a trade road : timber trade in the Baltic area : competition between steam and sails : VII Baltic Seminar in Kotka, 10.-12.8.1989 / [participants Michael North et al.].; International Baltic Seminar
Lumber Trade Canada History : Great Britain's woodyard : British America and the timber trade, 1763-1867.; Lower, Arthur Reginald Marsden.
Lumber Trade England Hull : From Riga masts and Danzig clapboard to Scandinavian and Russian softwood, chipboard, plywood, fibreboards and veneers : a short chronological note on the history of Hull's timber industry.; Ketchell, Christopher.
Lumber Trade Environmental Aspects : Bad harvest? : the timber trade and the degredation of the world's forests / Nigel Dudley, Jean-Paul Jeanrenaud and Francis Sullivan.; Dudley, Nigel,
Lumber Trade Germany History : Ecology, economy and state formation in early modern Germany / Paul Warde.; Warde, Paul.
Lumber Trade Scotland 17th Century : Act of council in favours of the Laird of Strouane. : Edinburgh, the ninteenth [sic] day of Apryll, 1683.; Scotland.
Lumber Trade Tables : Several useful and necessary tables for the gauging of casks : for the measuring of boards, timber truly squared, timber not truly squared, round timber, all which are more perfect and exact than any formerly extant / calculated by John Beilby, esq. ; to which is added Mr. Wingate's table of accompts, very useful for all sorts of tradesmen.; Beilby, John.
Lumber Transportation History : The Baltic as a trade road : timber trade in the Baltic area : competition between steam and sails : VII Baltic Seminar in Kotka, 10.-12.8.1989 / [participants Michael North et al.].; International Baltic Seminar
Lumbering Maine : Forest life and forest trees : comprising winter camp-life among the loggers and wild-wood adventurers, with descriptions of lumbering operations on the various rivers of Maine and New Brunswick.; Springer, John S.
Lumbermen England London Early Works To 1800 : The wood-mongers remonstrance, or, The carmens controversie rightly stated : wherein 1. the present jurisdiction and corporation of the woodmongers is vindicated, 2. the original and nature of cars, car-rooms, by whom governed and disposed, and upon what terms from time to time manifested ...; W. L.,
Luminism Art : Meesters van het licht : luministische schilderkunst in Nederland en Duitsland / Carel Blotkamp, Ina Ewers-Schultz, Gerda Wendermann.; Blotkamp, Carel.
Lumley Elizabeth : The history of lady Lumley's school and foundation.; Smith, John T.,
Lumley Martin Lord Mayor Of London : The triumphs of integrity : A noble solemnity, performed through the city, at the sole cost and charges of the Honorable Fraternity of Drapers, at the confirmation and establishment of their most worthy brother, the Right Honorable, Martin Lumley, in the high office of his Maiesties Lieutenant, Lord Maior and Chancellor of the famous City of London. Taking beginning at his Lordships going, and perfecting it selfe after his returne from receiuing the oath of maioralty at Westminster, on the morrow after Simon and Iudes Day, being the 29. of October. 1623. By Tho. Middleton Gent.; Middleton, Thomas,
Lunar Eclipses 1652 : Mercurius phreneticus : shewing the effect of the terrible ecclipse, March the 29, 1652. According to Master Lillies and Master Culpeppers predictions, as likewise an infallible way to finde the Philosophers Stone / by Galbrion Albumazar, Student in Capnomancie.; Albumazar, Galbrion.
Lunar Eclipses 1652 Early Works To 1800 : Annus tenebrosus, or The dark year : Or astrologicall iudgements upon two lunar eclipses, and one admirable eclips of the sun, all visible in England, 1652. Together with a short method how to judge the effects of eclipses. / By William Lilly, student in astrologie.; Lilly, William,