Macromolecules Synthesis : Click chemistry for biotechnology and materials science / edited by Joerg Lahann.
Macromolecules Terminology : Compendium of macromolecular nomenclature / prepared for publication by W.V. Metanomski.; Metanomski, W.V.
Macromolecules Thermal Properties : The physical chemistry of biopolymer solutions : application of physical techniques to the study of proteins and nuclei acids / Robert F. Steiner & Louise Garone.; Steiner, Robert F.
Macsweeney Barry : Three modern lyric poets : Harwood, Torrance, MacSweeney / William Walton Rowe.; Rowe, William Walton.
Maczek Stanislaw 1892 1994 : Man of steel and honour : General Stanisław Maczek : soldier of Poland, commander of the 1st Polish Armoured Division in North-West Europe, 1944-45 / Evan McGilvray.; McGilvray, Evan,
Mad Men Television Program : The legacy of Mad men : cultural history, intermediality and American television / Karen McNally, Jane Marcellus, Teresa Forde, Kirsty Fairclough, editors.
Madagascar Discovery And Exploration Early Works To 1800 : An addition to the sea iournal, or, Nauigation of the Hollanders vnto Iaua, : contayning the apparances, shewes, or resemblances of the Cape of Bona Speranza, of the road of S. Bras ... together with the exposition of certain words of the people of Madagascar : and with a dictionary of the language of Malacca / compiled by Cornelius Geraldson. Whereunto are annexed the true portraictures of the naturall inhabitants of the Cape of Bona Speranza, of the king & people of Antongil, of the gouvernour and people of Sumatra, of the inhabitants and ships of Iaua, of the people of China, and of the King of Bally and his stately traine..; Gerritszoon, Cornelis.
Madder Quality Early Works To 1800 : By the King : a proclamation for preuenting of deceipt vsed in the importation of madder.; England and Wales.
Maddox James : These are to give notice that James Maddox His Majesties sworn servant in ordinary hath for these twenty years and upwards succesfullty practized in such a method as was never before found out, nor only performed by any other but himself.
Madingley England Maps : Cambridgeshire [cartographic material] : sheet TL 36 SE.; Great Britain.
Madison Dolley 1768 1849 Relations With African Americans : A slave in the White House : Paul Jennings and the Madisons / Elizabeth Dowling Taylor ; with foreword by Annette Gordon-Reed. And, A colored man's reminiscences of James Madison by Paul Jennings.; Taylor, Elizabeth Dowling,
Madison James 1751 1836 Relations With African Americans : A slave in the White House : Paul Jennings and the Madisons / Elizabeth Dowling Taylor ; with foreword by Annette Gordon-Reed. And, A colored man's reminiscences of James Madison by Paul Jennings.; Taylor, Elizabeth Dowling,
Madley England Maps : Herefordshire [cartographic material] : sheet SO 43 NW.; Great Britain.