Maidstone William Finch Viscount 1652 1672 : Several goods and merchandizes belonging to Mr. William Finch of London, : merchant late deceased; to be exposed to sale by the candle at the East-India House, on Thursday at two of the clock in the afternoon, the 4th of June, 1674.
Maidwell England Maps : Northamptonshire [cartographic material] : sheet SP 77 NW.; Great Britain.
Maie Edward Sermon Of The Communion Of Saints : Christ, on his throne; not in popish secrets : A prophecie of Christ, against his pretended presence in popish secrets; laid open in a sermon preached before his Maiestie at Wansted certaine yeares agoe, and since much inlarged, and (vpon request) preached else where. By Richard Sheldon, Doctor in Diuinitie, his Maiesties chaplaine. In the preface whereof, there is also a briefe inquirie made by him, into a late sermon, stiled, The communion of saints.; Sheldon, Richard,
Maihew Edward 1570 1625 Grounds Of The Old Religion And The New : A treatise of the corruption of Scripture, councils and fathers, by the prelats [sic], pastors and pillars of the Church of Rome, for maintenance of popery / by Thomas James ... ; together with a sufficient answer unto James Gretser and Anthony Possevine, Jesuits, and the unknown author of The grounds of the old religion & the new ; divided into five parts.; James, Thomas,
Mail Steamers English Channel History : The centenary of the Ostend-Dover Line, 1846-1946 : a contribution to the history of the anglo-continental maritime relations by mailboat service since its origin.; Burbure de Wesembeek, Albert de.
Mail Surveys : Mail surveys : improving the quality.; Mangione, Thomas W.
Maimborough Louis 1610 1686 Methode Pacifique Pour Ramener Sans Dis : A brief discourse of the real presence of the body and blood of Christ in the celebration of the holy eucharist : wherein the witty articles of the bishop of Meaux and of Monsieur Maimbourg are obviated, whereby they would draw in the Protestants to imbrace the doctrine of transubstantiation.; More, Henry,
Maimbourg Louis 1610 1686 : A brief discourse of the real presence of the body and blood of Christ in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist : wherein the witty artifices of the Bishop of Meaux and of Monsieur Maimbourg are obviated, whereby they would draw in the Protestants to imbrace the doctrine of transubstantiation.; More, Henry,
Maine Administrative And Political Divisions Maps : Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island / John H. Long, editor ; Connecticut compiled by Gordon DenBoer ; Maine, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island compiled by John H. Long.
Maine Discovery And Exploration : A little yellow dog : a saga of the surveyors : based on the life and diaries of Park Holland (1752-1844).; Rogers, Lore A.
Maine Discovery And Exploration Early Works To 1800 : A true relation of the most prosperous voyage made this present yeere 1605, by Captaine George Waymouth, in the discouery of the land of Virginia : where he discouered 60 miles vp a most excellent riuer; together with a most fertile land. Written by Iames Rosier. a gentleman employed in the voyage.; Rosier, James,
Maine History Naval : Down east : a maritime history of Maine.; Paine, Lincoln P.
Maine History Pictorial Works : A day's work : a sampler of historic Maine photographs, 1860-1920 / compiled and annotated by W.H. Bunting.; Bunting, William H.
Mainstreaming In Education Europe Cross Cultural Studies : New perspectives in special education : a six-country study of integration / edited by Cor J.W. Meijer, Sip Jan Pijl, and Seamus Hegarty ; Dutch-English translations and editorial assistance by Inge Abbring.
Mainstreaming In Education Ireland : Inclusion or illusion? : educational provision for primary school children with mild general learning disabilities / by Paul Stevens and Mona O'Moore.; Stevens, Paul.