Managed Mental Health Care : Solution-oriented brief therapy for adjustment disorders : a guide for providers under managed care / Daniel L. Araoz and Marie A. Carrese.; Araoz, Daniel L,
Managed Mental Health Care United States : Models of collaboration : a guide for mental health professionals working with health care practitioners / David B. Seaburn ... [et al.].
Management Australia : Management and organization : a critical text / Stephen Linstead, Liz Fulop, Simon Lilley.; Linstead, Stephen,
Management By Objectives : Effective management by objectives : the 3-D method of MBO.; Reddin, William J.
Management Caricatures And Cartoons : The Dilbert principle : a cubicle's-eye view of bosses, meetings, management fads & other workplace afflictions / Scott Adams.; Adams, Scott,
Management Employee Participation United States : Creating high performance organizations : practices and results of employee involvement and Total Quality Management in Fortune 1000 companies / Edward E. Lawler, III, Susan Albers Mohrman, Gerald E. Ledford, Jr.; Lawler, Edward E.,
Management Europe Case Studies : National capitalisms, global competition, and economic performance / edited by Sigrid Quack, Glenn Morgan, Richard Whitley.