Many Body Problem : Calogero - Moser - Sutherland models / Jan Felipe van Diejan, Luc Vinet, editors.
Many Body Problem Congresses : Proceedings ; 19-20 October 1972, the University of Texas at Austin. / Edited by Dale G. Bettis.; Conference on the Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
Many Philosophy : One and many in Presocratic philosophy / Michael C. Stokes.; Stokes, Michael C.,
Many Valued Logic : An introduction to many-valued logics.; Ackermann, Robert John.
Manzini Gianna : Gianna Manzini tra letteratura e vita : atti del convegno, Pistoia - Firenze 27-28-29 maggio 1983 / a cura di M. Forti.
Manzoni Giovanni Trials Litigation Etc : Cases : A - Motta v. Italy : B - Manzoni v. Italy : C - Pugliese v. Italy : D - Alimena v. Italy : E - Frau v. Italy : [all judgments of 19 February 1991].; European Court of Human Rights.
Manzoor Khan Suhaiymah : A fly girl's guide to university : being a woman of colour at Cambridge and other institutions of elitism and power / Lola Olufemi, Odelia Younge, Waithera Sebatindira and Suhaiymah Manzoor-Kahn ; featuring poems by Jun Pang ; compiled and edited by Odelia Younge.
Manzu Giovanni : Giacomo Manzu.; Arts Council of Great Britain.
Mao Zedong 1893 1976 Mao Zhu Xi Yu Lu English : Mao or Christ ? : a brief analysis of Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, commonly known as the Red Book or Thoughts of Mao.; Young, J. Cecil.
Maori Language Influence On English Dictionaries : Austral English : a dictionary of Australasian words, phrases and usages, with those aboriginal-Australian and Maori words which have become incorporated in the language and the commoner scientific words that have had their origin in Australasia.; Morris, Edward Ellis.
Maori Literature History And Criticism : The circle & the spiral : a study of Australian Aboriginal and New Zealand Māori literature.; Knudsen, Eva Rask.
Maori Meeting Houses : Decolonising conservation : caring for Maori meeting houses outside New Zealand / Dean Sully, editor.
Maori New Zealand People Boats : The Maori canoe : an account of various types of vessels used by the Maori of New Zealand in former times, with some description of those of the isles of the Pacific, and a brief account of the peopling of New Zealand.; Best, Elsdon.
Maori New Zealand People Government Relations : Indigenous peoples and the state : international perspectives on the Treaty of Waitangi / Mark Hickford and Carwyn Jones.; Hickford, Mark.
Maori New Zealand People Government Relations Congresses : New Zealand-Asia policy consultation : human rights, sovereignty and migration / edited by Ross Bell.; New Zealand-Asia Policy Consultation on Human Rights, Sovereignty and Migration
Map Collections England : My head is a map : essays & memoirs in honour of R.V. Tooley / edited by Helen Wallis and Sarah Tyacke.
Map Collections England Leeds : The Harold Whitaker Collection of county atlases, road books and maps presented to the University of Leeds : a catalogue.; Whitaker, Harold.
Map Collections Netherlands : Collections of maps and atlases in the Netherlands : their history and present state.; Koeman, Cornelis.
Map Collections Netherlands Utrecht : Catalogus van de kaartencollectie-Moll / samengesteld door J. Harms en M. Donkersloot-de Vrij.; Harms, J.J.
Map Industry And Trade England London History : London map-sellers, 1660-1720 : a collection of advertisements for maps placed in the London Gazette 1668-1719, with biographical notes on the map-sellers.; Tyacke, Sarah.