May Pole England Early Works To 1800 : Funebria floræ : the downfall of May-games: wherein is set forth the rudeness, prophaneness, stealing, drinking, fighting, dancing, whoring, mis-rule, mis-spence of precious time, contempt of God, and godly magistrates, ministers and people, which oppose the rascality and rout, in this their open prophanenesse, and heathenish customs. Occasioned by the generall complaint of the rudenesse of people in this kind, in this interval of settlement. Here you have twenty arguments against these prophane sports, and all the cavills made by the belialists for the time refelled and answered. Together with an addition of some verses in the cloze, for the delight of the ingenious reader. By Tho. Hall, B.D. and pastor of Kings-norton.; Hall, Thomas,
Mayas Belize Antiquities : Constructing 'commoner' identity in an Ancient Maya village : class, status, and ritual at the Northeast Group, Chan Belize / Chelsea Blackmore.; Blackmore, Chelsea.
Mayas Colonization : Converting words : Maya in the age of the cross / William F. Hanks.; Hanks, William F.
Mayas Commerce : Tikal : dynasties, foreigners & affairs of state : advancing Maya archaeology / edited by Jeremy A. Sabloff.
Mayas Crimes Against Guatemala : Global coloniality of power in Guatemala : racism, genocide, citizenship / Egla Martínez Salazar.; Martínez Salazar, Egla,
Mayas Urban Residence : Tikal : dynasties, foreigners & affairs of state : advancing Maya archaeology / edited by Jeremy A. Sabloff.
Mayas Violence Against Guatemala : Global coloniality of power in Guatemala : racism, genocide, citizenship / Egla Martínez Salazar.; Martínez Salazar, Egla,
Mayas Warfare : 3,000 years of war and peace in the Maya lowlands : identity, politics, and violence / edited by Geoffrey E. Braswell.
Maybole Scotland Maps : Maybole (South) and Dailly [cartographic material].; Great Britain.
Mayenne Charles De Lorraine Duc De 1554 1611 : Remonstrances, to the Duke de Mayne : lieu-tenaunt generall of the estate and crowne of Fraunce. Wherein, by way of information, are discouered diuers priueties, concerning the proceedings and affayres of that Duke, and his associates. Trulie translated out of the French coppie, printed at Paris, by Ant: Ch: