Medicinal Plants Africa History : In the shadow of slavery : Africa's botanical legacy in the Atlantic world / Judith A. Carney and Richard Nicholas Rosomoff.; Carney, Judith Ann,
Medicinal Plants America History : In the shadow of slavery : Africa's botanical legacy in the Atlantic world / Judith A. Carney and Richard Nicholas Rosomoff.; Carney, Judith Ann,
Medicine 15 18th Centuries : The doctresse: : a plain and easie method, of curing those diseases which are peculiar to women. Whereunto are annexed physicall paradoxes, or a new discovery of the æconomy of nature in mans body. / Written by R.B. &c.; Bunworth, Richard.
Medicine 15th 18 Centuries Formulae Receipts Prescriptions Earl : Natura exenterata: or Nature unbowelled by the most exquisite anatomizers of her. : Wherein are contained, her choicest secrets digested into receipts, fitted for the cure of all sorts of infirmities, whether internal or external, acute or chronical, that are incident to the body of man. / Collected and preserved by several persons of quality and great experience in the art of medicine, whose names are prefixed to the book. Containing in the whole, one thousand seven hundred and twenty. Very necessary for such as regard their owne health, or that of their friends. VVhereunto are annexed, many rare, hitherto un-imparted inventions, for gentlemen, ladies and others, in the recreations of their different imployments. With an exact alphabetical table referring to the several diseases, and their proper cures.
Medicine 15th 18th Centuries Formulae Receipts Prescriptions Ea : Physical rarities : containing the most choice receipts of physick, and chyrurgerie, for the cure of all diseases incident to mans body. Being a rich jewell, kept in the cabinet of a famous doctor in this nation; stored with admirable secrets, and approved medicines. Published by Ralph Williams, practitioner in physick and chyrurgerie.; Williams, Ralph.
Medicine Africa French Speaking West : L'oeuvre des pastoriens en Afrique noire, Afrique occidentale française.; Mathis, Constant Jean Baptiste Marie Joseph,
Medicine Africa History Congresses : From western medicine to global medicine : the hospital beyond the West / edited by Mark Harrison, Margaret Jones, Helen Sweet.
Medicine Asia History Congresses : From western medicine to global medicine : the hospital beyond the West / edited by Mark Harrison, Margaret Jones, Helen Sweet.
Medicine Auditing : Moving to audit : what every doctor needs to know about medical audit : resource book / Christopher W.B. Arnold ... [et al.].
Medicine Bibliography : A Catalogue of the library of the late learned Dr. Francis Bernard, fellow of the College of Physicians ... : being a large collection of the best theological, historical, philological, medicinal and mathematical authors ... : which will be sold at auction ... on Tuesday, Octob. 4, 1698.
Medicine Bibliography Early Works To 1800 : A catalogue of valuable books, in Greek, Latin, and English, the library of Mr. Hogdson, an eminent school-master, deceased; : which will be sold by retail, at reasonable rates, picking out what any one pleases, on Friday, the 29th of this instant April, 1698. at the Kings-arms in Little-britain, by John Nicholson, beginning exactly at nine of the clock in the morning. The books may be viewed three days before the sale..; Nicholson, John,
Medicine Biography : Names we remember : 56 eponymous medical biographies.; Birch, C Allan.
Medicine Botanic : Pharmacopœa Belgica, or, The Dutch dispensatory : wherein is described I. the vertues, qualities, and properties of every simple ... / revised and confirmed by the Colledge of Physitians at Amsterdam ; whereunto is added, The compleat herbalist ... rendred into English for the benefit of our nation.
Medicine Caricatures And Cartoons : From Hogarth to Rowlandson : medicine in art in eighteenth-century Britain / Fiona Haslam.; Haslam, Fiona.
Medicine China : Clerks and craftsmen in China and the west : lectures and addresses on the history of science and technology / by Joseph Needham. Based largely on collaborative work with Wang Ling, Lu Gwei-Djen and Ho Ping-Yu.; Needham, Joseph,