Merode Westerloo Jean Philippe Eugene Comte De 1674 1732 : Military memoirs of Marlborough's campaigns, 1702-1712 / by Captain Robert Parker, Royal Regiment of Foot of Ireland, and the Comte de Mérode-Westerloo, Field Marshal of the Holy Roman Empire ; edited by David Chandler.; Parker, Robert,
Merry Nathaniel : Evident satisfasction to the sick and lame; by Nath. Merry, student in physick, dwelling at the Star in Bow-Lane, near Cheapside..; Merry, Nathaniel.
Merry News From Lincolns Inn : The lavvyers plea, : in the behalf of young Tom of Lincoln. Being an answer to a late scandalous ballad, entituled, Merry news from Lincolns-Inn. Adrest to the author of the said ballad, by Tom of Lincoln. To the tune of, Help lords and commons, &c.; Tom of Lincoln.
Mersey Mission To Seamen History : The Mersey Mission to Seamen, 1856-1956 / by the Reverend Maurice Rooke Kingsford ; with a reprint of "A cruise on the Mersey" by W.H.G. Kingston, written and published 1856-1857.; Kingsford, Maurice Rooke,
Merseyside England Commerce : Liverpool in 1859 : the port and town of Liverpool and the harbour, docks and commerce of the Mersey in 1859.; Baines, Thomas,
Merseyside Great Britain Archaeological Excavations : Prehistoric, Romano-British and medieval settlement in Lowland North West England : archaeological excavations along the A5300 road corridor in Merseyside / R.W. Cowell and R.A. Philpott.; Cowell, R. W.
Merthyr Mawr Wales Maps : Glamorgan [cartographic material] : sheet SS 87 NE.; Great Britain.
Merthyr Tydfil Wales History : The Crawshay dynasty : a study in industrial organisation and development, 1765-1867 / by John P. Addis.; Addis, John P.
Mervyn Henry Sir 1646 : An elegie in memorie, and at the interring of the body of the most famous and truely noble knight, Sir Henrie Mervyn. : Paterne of all true valour; worth, and arts, who departed this life the 30. of May, and lyes interred at Westminster, anno Do: 1646.; Mercer, William,
Merz And Mclellan Consulting Engineers : Progress in power : the contribution of Charles Merz and his associates to sixty years of electrical development, 1899-1959.; Rowland, John,