Morris John 1617 1649 : An exact relation of the tryall & examination of John Morris, governour of Pontefract-Castle, at the assizes held at York: : together with his speeches, prayers, and other passages immediately before his death, the 23. of Aug. 1649. Whereunto is added, the speech of Cornet Blackburne, executed at the same time.; Morris, John,
Morris Jones Wyndraeth Humphreys : The states of South Asia : problems of national integration : essays in honour of W.H. Morris-Jones / edited by A.J. Wilson, D. Dalton.
Morris Marc Biography : Choreographer fact card : Mark Morris (1956-).; Palmer, Frances.
Morris Margaret 1891 1980 : Margaret Morris, 1891-1980, modern dance pioneer : a resource pack for teachers and students of dance history / edited by Bev Trewhitt and Jim Hastie.
Morris May 1862 1938 : Jane and May Morris : a biographical story, 1839-1938.; Marsh, Jan,
Morris May 1862 1938 Exhibitions : May Morris : arts & crafts designer / Anna Mason, Jan Marsh, Jenny Lister, Rowan Bain and Hanne Faurby ; with contributions by Alice McEwan and Catherine White ; foreword by Lynn Hulse.
Morris Samuel Of Bristol Looking Glasse For The Quakers And Shakers : The innocent delivered out of the snare, and the blind guide fallen into the pit. Or, an answer to a booke entituled, The great mysteries of godliness and ungodliness, full of lies, slanders, and false accusations; : put forth by Ralph Farmer, a pretended minister in the city of Bristol, against those innocent, peaceable, despised people scornfully called quakers, wherein Iohn Thurloe, Secretary of State, to whom R. Farmer's book was directed, may read the answer wherin their false accusations are made manifest. And several quæries that was sent to them that call themselves minister in the city of Bristol, being yet unanswered by them: and also a warning from the Lord to the people, to repent and prize the day of their visitation. / By a servant of the Lord, called Iohn Audland. Whereunto is added an answer to a scandalous paper, put forth by VVilliam Prynne, intitulled, The quakers unmasked, and clearly detected; ... Also the lyer reproved, or an answer to a book put out by one Samuel Morris of Bristoll, who is found an enemie of Christ and his people.; Audland, John,
Morrison James 1761 1807 : Bligh's voyage in the Resource from Coupang to Batavia : together with the log of his subsequent voyage to England ... and his remarks on Morrison's journal ... / with an introduction and notes by Owen Rutter & engravings on wood by Peter Barker-Mill.; Bligh, William,
Morrison Jim 1943 1971 : Rimbaud and Jim Morrison : rebel as poet / Wallace Fowlie.; Fowlie, Wallace,
Morrocco Alberto : Four Scottish artists : Blyth, Donaldson, Henderson, Morrocco.; Arts Council of Great Britain.
Morse Jedidiah 1761 1826 : Jedidiah Morse : a champion of New England orthodoxy.; Morse, James King.
Morse Joan Active 1624 : Iames by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. : to all and singuler archbishops, bishops, archdeacons, deanes and their officials ... greeting : whereas wee are credibly giuen to vnderstand aswell by the humble supplication and petition of our poore distressed subiects Amy Lynsteed, widdow, the late wife of William Lynsteed & Ioan the wife of Robert Morse ...; England and Wales.
Morse John Active 17th Century : Plain-dealing with a traducing Anabaptist, or, Three letters writ upon occasion of some slanderous reflections given and promoted against William Penn by one John Morse : published for common benefit that all impartial people may be better acquainted with the invective spirit of some so called, and their ungodly sly way of defaming such as dissents from them, especially in their restless indeavours against the poor Quakers / by W.P.; Penn, William,
Morse Theory : Infinite dimensional Morse theory and multiple solution problems.; Chang, Kung-chʻing.
Morston England Maps : Norfolk [cartographic material] : sheet TG 04 SW.; Great Britain.
Mortality Economic Aspects Japan Congresses : Socio-economic correlates of mortality in Japan and ASEAN / edited by Ng Shui Meng.; National Institute for Research Advancement.
Mortality England Early Works To 1800 : A proposal for the better securing of health. : Humbly offered to the consideration of the Honourable Houses of Parliament.; Chamberlen, Hugh.
Mortality England History : English population history from family reconstitution, 1580-1837 / E.A. Wrigley ... [et al.].
Mortality England History 18th Century : Vital accounts : quantifying health and population in eighteenth-century England and France.; Rusnock, Andrea Alice.