Music Caribbean Area : Cut 'n' mix : culture, identity and Caribbean music.; Hebdige, Dick.
Music Caribbean Area History And Criticism : Caribbean currents : Caribbean music from rumba to reggae / Peter Manuel ; with Kenneth Bilby and Michael Largey.; Manuel, Peter,
Music Catalogues Early Works To 1800 : A curious collection of musick-books, both vocal and instrumental, (and several rare copies in three and four parts, fairly prick'd) by the best masters. : Formerly designed to have been sold by way of auction: but the reason of its being put off, was, that several gentlemen, lovers of musick, living remote from London, having a desire for some of this collection, and could not be there, they are here set down in order, with the rates, being lower than could be afforded otherwise. The collection is to be sold by Henry Playford, at his house at the lower end of Arundel-Street in the Strand; where the collection may be viewed four days after the publication in the Gazette. All gentlemen and ladies that desire any of these collections, sending in time the number and the price, may have them delivered, they being designed to be sold off in a fortnight.
Music Censorship : Censorship & cultural regulation in the modern age / edited by Beate Müller.
Music Censorship History : Taboo tunes : a history of banned bands & censored songs / by Peter Blecha.; Blecha, Peter.
Music Economic Aspects United States : This business of music : the definitive guide to the music industry / M. William Krasilovsky and Sidney Shemel ; contributions by John M. Gross, Jonathan Feinstein.; Krasilovsky, M. William.
Music England 17th Century : A brief introduction to the skill of musick. : In two books. The first contains the grounds and rules of musick. The second, instructions for the viol, and also for the treble-violin.; Playford, John,
Music England 17th Century Early Works To 1800 : The oration of Maister Iohn Bull, Doctor of Musicke, and one of the Gentlemen of hir Maiesties Royall Chappell. : As hee pronounced the same, beefore diuers worshipfull persons, th' aldermen & commoners of the Citie of London, with a great multitude of other people, the 6. day of October. 1597. In the new erected colledge of Sir Thomas Gresham knight, deceased: made in the commendation of the saide worthy founder, and the excellent science of musicke.; Bull, John,
Music England 17th Century Manuscripts : Musical patronage in seventeenth century England : Christopher, First Baron Hatton (1605 - 1670) / Jonathan P. Wainwright.; Wainwright, Jonathan P.,
Music England Bibliography : Shakespeare in music : essays by John Stevens and others ; with a catalogue of musical works / edited by Phyllis Hartnoll.; Hartnoll, Phyllis.
Music England Hull : Two centuries of music in Hull : a history of music in Hull from the late 18th Century together with a biographical dictionary of Hull musicians and others who visited the town in that period, and short histories of the musical organisations.; Staveley, Norman.
Music England London : London : a musical gazetteer / Lewis Foreman and Susan Foreman.; Foreman, Lewis,