Netherlands Foreign Relations Germany : The ansuuere of the States Generall of the Vnited Prouinces of the Low Countries vnto the ambassadors of Germanie, their proposition; United Provinces of the Netherlands.
Netherlands Foreign Relations Great Britain Poetry Early Works To 1800 : The dutch-men's reasons [for] a Dutch Sunday to be observ'd once a month, &c. : With their last prayer, and final resolution (if it prove ineffectual) against the executive power of France. To the tune of The city gulls.
Netherlands Foreign Relations India Early Works To 1800 : An ambassage of tvvo Indian kings sent vnto the high and mightie Prince Maurice Prince of Orange : who by the same desire that their sonnes, whom they also haue sent vnto him, might be brought vp in Christian religion.
Netherlands Foreign Relations Israel : Pragmatisch of principieel : het Nederlandse beleid ten aanzien van het Arabisch-Israelisch conflict.; Soetendorp, R.B.
Netherlands Foreign Relations Middle East : Friends and rivals in the East : studies in Anglo-Dutch relations in the Levant from the seventeenth to the early nineteenth century / edited by Alastair Hamilton, Alexander H. de Groot & Maurits H. van den Boogert.
Netherlands Foreign Relations Poland : The ansuuere made by the noble lords the States, vnto the ambassadour of Polonia; United Provinces of the Netherlands.
Netherlands Foreign Relations Poland 1648 1714 Early Works To 1 : A declaration of the King of Denmark, : to the Emperour, the King and state of Poland, and his Highness the Elector of Brandenburgh: in relation to the treaty agreed and concluded at the Haghe [sic] in Holland, the 21 of May, 1659. Shewing the trecherousness of the Hollander in that treaty.; Frederick
Netherlands Foreign Relations Turkey : At the threshold of felicity : Ottoman-Dutch relations during the embassy of Cornelis Calkoen at the Sublime Porte, 1726-1744.; Bosscha Erdbrink, Gerard Rudolf.
Netherlands Foreign Relations Turkey Early Works To 1800 : A true declaration of the arriuall of Cornelius Haga : (with others that accompanied him) ambassadour for the generall states of the vnited Netherlands, at the great citie of Constantinople. Together with the entertainement vnto them giuen, by the Turke, when they came to his palace, and what priuiledges were by him granted vnto the said vnited Prouinces. And also, the copie of certaine letters, sent vnto the said states of the Netherlands, from Constantinople. Faithfully translated out of the Dutch copie.
Netherlands History 16th Century : Public opinion and changing identities in the early modern Netherlands : essays in honour of Alastair Duke / edited by Judith Pollmann, Andrew Spicer.
Netherlands History 18th Century : De admiraliteit van Amsterdam in rustige Jaren, 1713-1751 : regenten en financien, schepen en zeevarenden.; Bruijn, Jaap R.
Netherlands History 18th Century Congresses : Colonial empires compared : Britain and the Netherlands, 1750-1850 : papers delivered to the Fourteenth Anglo-Dutch Historical Conference, 2000 / edited by Bob Moore and Henk van Nierop.; Anglo-Dutch Historical Conference
Netherlands History 19th Century Congresses : Colonial empires compared : Britain and the Netherlands, 1750-1850 : papers delivered to the Fourteenth Anglo-Dutch Historical Conference, 2000 / edited by Bob Moore and Henk van Nierop.; Anglo-Dutch Historical Conference
Netherlands History 1648 1714 Congresses : Redefining William III : the impact of the king-stadholder in international context / edited by Esther Mijers, David Onnekink.
Netherlands History 1648 1714 Humour Early Works To 1800 : Brandy-wine, in the Hollanders ingratitude. : Being a serious expostulation of an English souldier with the Dutch: wherein he debateth with them of former kindnesse received from England, and the cause of their base requitall now, being so effascinated with Machivels pollicies, that they are foolishly charm'd with the magicall spells of monarchy, to subvert their owne fundamentall principles, that engage in a warre against England, to the ruine of her owne liberties. / By J.W. musophilus & miles vertatis.; J. W.