Netherlands Shoe Industry : Onder de voet gelopen : het ontstaan en verdwijnen van een kleinnijverheid in Nederland na 1800, de Brabantse klompenmakerij.; Puijenbroek, F.J.M. van.
Netherlands Social Conditions 20th Century : Traditie, secularisatie en individualisering : een studie naar de waarden van de Nederlanders in Europese context / L. Halman ... [et al.].
Netherlands Social Conditions Congresses : War and society : papers delivered to the Sixth Anglo-Dutch Historical Conference / edited by A. C. Duke and C. A. Tamse.; Anglo-Dutch Historical Conference
Netherlands Social Conditions History 19th Century : Van particuliere naar openbare zorg, en terug? : sociale politiek in Nederland sinds 1880 / W.P. Blockmans en L.A. van der Valk (red.).; Blockmans, Willem Pieter.
Netherlands Social Conditions History 20th Century : Van particuliere naar openbare zorg, en terug? : sociale politiek in Nederland sinds 1880 / W.P. Blockmans en L.A. van der Valk (red.).; Blockmans, Willem Pieter.
Netherlands Statistics Vital : Statistiek van de loop der bevolking in Nederland.; Netherlands. Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek.
Netherlands Statistics Vital Periodicals : Sterftetafels voor Nederland, afgeleid uit de waarnemingen / bewerkt door Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek.; Netherlands. Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek.
Netherlands Wars Of Independence 1556 1648 Early Works To 1800 : The true and perfect declaration of the mighty army by the sea : made and prepared by the generall states of the vnited prouinces, purposely sent forth to hinder the proceedings of the King of Spaine, vnder the conduct of Peter Vander Does generall of the said army: together with all whatsoeuer hath bene done by the said army against the islands, townes, castels, and shippes, belonging to the said King of Spaine. As also what the said army hath gotten and wonne in the said viage; with the whole discourse of the aduentures of the said army, both in their going forth, and retuning againe, from the 28. of May, 1599. vntill the 6. of March, 1600. Collected by Ellert de Ionghe, captayne of the artillery in the said viage.; Jonghe, Ellert de.
Netherlands White Collar Workers : In het brede maatschappelijke midden : een studie over middelbare administratieve employes in 9 grote organisaties in Amsterdam...; Berting, Jan.
Netherseal England Maps : Derbyshire - Leicestershire - Staffordshire - Warwickshire [cartographic material] : sheet SK 21 SE.; Great Britain.
Nethersole Francis Sir 1587 1659 Self Condemned : The Vnrighteous iudge, or an answer to a printed paper, pretending a letter to Mr Io. Goodvvin, : by Sir Francis Nethersole knight. Wherein the rough things of the said pretended letter, are made smooth, and the crooked things straight: and the predominant designe of it fully evinced to be, either an unscholarlike oscitancie and mistake, or else somewhat much worse. / By the said Jo. Goodwin.; Goodwin, John,
Netherthorpe South Yorkshire England Maps : [Netherthorpe [cartographic material] : Yorkshire, West Riding 300.11 : Nottinghamshire 8.13, 12.4, 13.1(Parts of) : Derbyshire 20.1 (Part of).]; Great Britain.
Nethlands Church History Early Works To 1800 : An oration made at the Hage, before the Prince of Orenge : and the assembly of the high and mighty lords, the States Generall of the Vnited Prouinces: by the reuerend father in God, the Lord Bishop of Landaff, one of the commissioners sent by the Kings most excellent Maiesty to the Synod of Dort.; Carleton, George,
Netley England Maps : Hampshire [cartographic material] : sheet SU 40 NE.; Great Britain.
Neto Ernesto 1964 Exhibitions : Ernesto Neto : the edges of the world / texts by Moacir dos Anjos, translated from the Portuguese by Stephen Berg ; text by Philip Ursprung ; translated from the German by Fiona Elliott.
Nettervill James : An exact copy of a letter drop by accdient [sic] near Ludgate, Dec 6, 88. : Superscribed to Mr. James Nettervill, in Gracious-Street.; Jones, John,