Newfoundland History : The humble address of the Lords spiritual and temporal to His Majesty : in relation to the petition of Charles Desborow, late captain of His Majesty's ship Mary Gally, employ'd in the expedition to Newfoundland in the year 1697 under the command of Captain John Norris : and His Majesty's most gracious answer thereto.; England and Wales.
Newfoundland Island Of N L Colonization England 17th Century Sources : In the name and on the behalfe of the Common-Wealth of England. : By the Lords Proprietors of the island and region of Newfoundland. To all planters and inhabitants of the said island, and all others whom it may concern.
Newland Hull England Description And Travel : The township of Newland : its steads, garths, orchards, gardens, crofts and tofts, woods, waters and ways / by G.H. Hill ; with supplementary notes by W. Foot Walker; Hill, G. H.
Newland Hull England History : The township of Newland : its steads, garths, orchards, gardens, crofts and tofts, woods, waters and ways / by G.H. Hill ; with supplementary notes by W. Foot Walker; Hill, G. H.
Newland Lady 1690 : A sermon preached at the funeral of the Lady Newland. At Alhallows Barkin, London : By John Scott, D.D.; Scott, John,
Newly Independent States Politics And Government Congresses : New nations in a divided world : the international relations of the Afro-Asian States / edited by K. London; publ. for the Institute for Sino-Soviet Studies, the George Washington University.; London, Kurt,
Newman Dorothy : Most wicked, cruel, bloody, and barbarous news from this last Lent Assizes at the city of Winchester in Hampshire : being a full and true relation of George Bromman, and Dorothy Newman, his wicked strumpet, being both agreed to make away his own wife, and son ... : also the manner how they were hang'd in chains ... on Tuesday the 7th of this instant March, 1676 : as also an account of a young-man that murdered his sweet-heart, being his fellow-servant at Stratford by Bow ... : as also hovv he vvas condemn'd to be hang'd at Chelmsford Assizes, the 28th of February, 1676 / by L. White.; White, L.,
Newmarch Rosa 1857 1940 : Rosa Newmarch and Russian music in late nineteenth and early twentieth-century England / Philip Ross Bullock.; Bullock, Philip Ross.
Newmark Peter 1916 : Translation today : trends and perspectives / edited by Gunilla Anderman and Margaret Rogers.
Newmarket England History 17th Century : A letter from a gentleman at New-Market : giving a full and true account of the dreadful fire that began there on Thursday, the 22d of this instant March, about nine of the clock in the evening.; J. S.