North William : The case of William North and Grace Featley : on behalf of herself and the rest of the widows in Bromley Colledge in Kent, respondents, to the petition and appeal of Lee Warner, gent. appellant.
North Yorkshire England History Early Works To 1800 : Horrible news from Yorke: Hull, and Ncwcastle [sic]. : Concerning the Kings Majesties intent to take up arms against the Parliament. Together with three votes of both Houses concerning the kings standard betwixt York and Hull. May 20. Hen. Elsing Cler. Parl. D. Com. VVith His Majesties threatnings to imprison the Lord Fairfax, Sir Philip Stapleton, and the rest of the committee appointed by the Parliament to sit at York. And the joint votes of both Houses concerning the same. Also the Lordes Stamfords report to the Parliament concerning the danger of Hull, and His Majesties resolution to take up armes. Together with the Parliaments speciall command throughout all England and wales. John Brown Cler. Parl.; England and Wales.
North Yorkshire England History Sources : Horrible news from York, Hull, and Newcastle : concerning the Kings Majesties intent to take up arms against the Parliament : together with three votes of both Houses concerning the Kings standard betwixt York and Hull, May 20 : with His Majesties threatenings to imprison the Lord Fairfax, Sir Philip Stapleton, and the rest of the committee appointed by the Parliament to sit at York : and the joint votes of both Houses concerning the same : also the Lordes Stamfords report to the Parliament concerning the danger of Hull, and His Majesties resolution to take up armes : together with the Parliaments speciall command throughout all England and Wales.
North Yorkshire England Maps : A map of Yorkshire [cartographic material] : North & East Ridings : farming & fishing.; British Railways.
Northampton England Charters Grants Privileges : An Account of the surrender of the old charter of Northampton, September the 26, and the manner of their receiving their new charter, &c : together with an eloquent speech made by Robert Clerk, Esq. (Deputy Recorder of Northampton) upon that occasion.