Nottinghamshire Miners Industrial Union : The Nottinghamshire Miners' Industrial Union ('Spencer Union') : Rufford Branch minutes, 1926 to 1936, district minutes, 1926 to 1927 / edited by C.P. Griffin.; Nottinghamshire Miners' Industrial Union.
Nova Scotia History : A people highly favoured of God : the Nova Scotia Yankees and the American Revolution / Gordon Stewart and George Rawlyk.; Stewart, Gordon T.
Nova Scotia History 1763 1867 : The Black loyalists : the search for a promised land in Nova Scotia and Sierra Leone, 1783-1870 / James W. St. G. Walker.; Walker, James W. St. G.,
Nova Scotia Naval Office : The Naval Office shipping lists for Nova Scotia, 1730-1820, in the Public Record Office [microform].
Nova Scotia Social Life And Customs : The quest of the folk : antimodernism and cultural selection in twentieth-century Nova Scotia / Ian McKay.; McKay, Ian,
Novara Expedition 1857 1859 : New Zealand : Its Physical Geography, Geology and Natural History, with Special Reference to.. the Provinces of Auckland and Nelson / Ferdinand von Hochstetter, Translated by Edward Sauter.; Hochstetter, Ferdinand von,
Nove Zamky Czechoslovakia History : A Brief accompt of the Turks late expedition against the kingdome of Hungary, Transylvania, and the hereditary countries of the emperour : together with an exact narrative of the remarquable occurences at the siege of Newhausel / translated out of the Dutch.
Nove Zamky Czechoslovakia History 17th Century Early Works To 180 : A brief accompt of the Turks late expedition, against the kingdome of Hungary, Transylvania, and the hereditary countries of the Emperour : together with an exact narrative of the remarquable occurrences at the siege of Nevvhausel. Translated out of the Dutch. Printed with privilege.
Nove Zamky Czechoslovakia History Siege 1685 : An account of the imperial proceedings against the Turks : with an exact diary of the siege of Newheusel and its taking : as also a relation of all the noted performances of the imperialists in all parts, from the beginning of this summers campagne, till the 27th of August / as it was taken by Mr. Travestin ... ; with an exact map of the town, and the works of the besiegers.; Travestin,
Nove Zamky Slovakia History Siege 1685 Sources : A true and exact relation of the taking of Newhassell by storm. : Together with the defeat of the Serasquier Bassa before Grann, by the Duke of Lorrain, as it was brought from Vienna by the Sieur Martell to the governour of the Spanish Netherlands.