Nutrition Study And Teaching : Nutrition for life : issues for debate in the development of education programmes : developed for educationalists, practitioiners, managers and all those involved in the education of nurses, midwives and health visitors.; English National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting.
Nutrition Surveys : Infant feeding 1995 : a survey of infant feeding practices in the United Kingdom carried out by Social Survey Division of ONS on behalf of the Department of Health, the Scottish Office Department of Health, the Welsh Office and the Department of Health and Social Services in Northern Ireland / Kate Foster, Deborah Lader, Sarah Cheesbrough.; Foster, Kate.
Nutrition Surveys Great Britain : Infant feeding 2000 : a survey conducted on behalf of the Department of Health, the Scottish Executive, the National Assembly for Wales and the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety in Northern Ireland / Becky Hamlyn ... [et al.].
Nutrition United States History : The changing body : health, nutrition, and human development in the western world since 1700 / Roderick Floud ... [et al.]
Nutritional Anthropology Latin America : Biological anthropology of Latin America : historical development of recent advances / edited by Douglas H. Ubelaker and Sonia E. Colantonio.
Nutritionally Induced Diseases Case Studies : Medical nutrition & disease : a case-based approach / editors-in-chief Lisa Hark, PhD, RD, Darwin Deen, MD, MS ; senior editor, Gail Morrison, MD.
Nutritive Value : The composition of foods / by R.A. McCance and E.M. Widdowson.; McCance, Robert Alexander.
Nutt John : London, Feb. 22. 1699/1700. : Whereas advertisements are this day printed in the Post-Poy [sic], Post-Man, and Flying Post, that a book intiutled, The history of the reign of Lewis the Thirteenth, King of France and Navarre, &c. by Mr. Michel le Vassor, is this day published by John Nutt; Richard Wellington (the known publisher) being asham'd to put his name to it ... the same is a false and spurious edition of the said book ... and that a translation ... will be publish'd in a fortnight ... for Thomas Cockerill, bookseller in the Poultrey..
Nutt Thomas Active 17th Century : A confutation of the Anabaptists, and all others who affect not civill government; : proving the lawfullnesse of it: and a full answer to all their cavills, that are, or can be made against it. With a nut-cracker for an unnaturall nut, whose shell is as hard as the scales of Leviathan, and the kernell of his heart as hard as a piece of the nether mill-stone, Iob 41.15.24. yet the hammer of Gods word that breaketh in pieces the rocks, Ier. 23.29. will break this nut, that all may see the devillish kernell that is in it. Also arguments against the Anabaptists, proving that infants borne of Christian parents ought to be baptized: with a full answer to all their cavills that are (or can be) made against it. Imprimatur Ja. Cranford.; Bakewell, Thomas,
Nuttall Desmond : Effective assessment and the improvement of education : a tribute to Desmond Nuttall / by Roger Murphy and Patricia Broadfoot.; Murphy, Roger.
Nuttall Geoffrey Fillingham : Reformation, conformity and dissent : essays in honour of Geoffrey Nuttall / edited by R.B. Knox.
Nuutajarvi Finland : Nuutajärvi : kartano ja lasipruuki : näyttely: Suomen kansallismuseo, 1983 = Notsjö : herrgård och glasbruk : utställning: Finlands nationalmuseum, 1983.
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek : Ancient art to post-impressionism : masterpieces from the Ny Carlsberg glypotek, Copenhagen.
Nyakyusa African People Social Life And Customs : For men and elders : change in the relations of generations and of men and women among the Nyakyusa-Ngonde people, 1875-1971.; Wilson, Monica Hunter.