Osland Henry : The bios pantōn heideotoū, or, or [sic] The vision of eternity held forth : in answer to some antiquæries, vvhich were given forth from ægypt by one of Babels builders, a pretended minister of Christ, living in Worcestershire at Beudly, that is called Mr. Henry Osland. But the quæries were given forth as the following papers declare, out of simplicity of heart, for satisfaction of the truth: but instead of giving a reasonable account to him that asks, he rails like a greedie hangman, or bloody executioner that rages for blood that he might get gains by it, as in these following papers will be manifested. So now the antiquæries are answered by one who (as a fire-brand out of the fire) is escaped out of Ægypt from the magicians where the house of bondage is, into the south-side of the wilderness, which being in the evening tide he espieth the vvhole circumference of Canaan's land, to vvhich faith or Christ is leading him; but in a vvay not knovvn but to the invisible life that gives a motion to every wheel, though the alteration of the effects of the wheels, or; Humphreys, John,
Osmond John Of London : To the Right Honorable Sir Robert Titchborn Knight, : Lord Mayor of the City of London, and the right worshipful the Aldermen his brethren, and the commonalty of the said city, assembled in common-councel : the humble petition of John Osmond a free-man and car-man of London, and Mary his wife.; Osmond, John,
Osmond Mary : To the Right Honorable Sir Robert Titchborn Knight, : Lord Mayor of the City of London, and the right worshipful the Aldermen his brethren, and the commonalty of the said city, assembled in common-councel : the humble petition of John Osmond a free-man and car-man of London, and Mary his wife.; Osmond, John,
Ospar Commission : Sustainable ocean resource governance : deep sea mining, marine energy, and submarine cables / edited by Markus Kotzur [and four others].
Ossuaries Ecuador Quito : The Ossuary of San Francisco church, Quito, Ecuador : human skeletal biology / Douglas H. Ubelaker and Catherine E. Ripley.; Ubelaker, Douglas H.
Ossuaries History : The empire of death : a cultural history of ossuaries and charnel houses / Paul Koudounaris.; Koudounaris, Paul.
Ost Alfred : Alfred Ost-Zaal.; Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Dierkunde van Antwerpen.
Osteichthyes Reproduction : Reproductive biology of teleost fishes / Robert J. Wootton, Carl Smith.; Wootton, R. J.
Ostend Belgium History : A relation of the defeating Card. Mazarine & Oliv. Cromwell's design to have taken Ostend by treachery in the year 1658 / written in Spanish by a person of quality (who was a chief actor in the preventing of it) by way of letter to a friend of his presently after the businesse ; since printed in that language, and now translated into English.; Person of quality.