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Paul Iv Pope 1476 1559 : Historia del Concilio tridentino. English. Selections; Sarpi, Paolo,  1673 1
Paul John 1928 2009 : Mozambique : memoirs of a revolution / John Paul.; Paul, John,  1975 1
Paul Robert 1869 1943 : Time traveller : Robert Paul and the invention of cinema / ILYA and Ian Christie.; Ilya,  2019 1
Paul Saint The Apostle : S. Pauls confession of faith, or a brief account of his religion : In a sermon preach'd at St. Warbroughs church in Dublin, March 22. 1684/5. By William Lord Bishop of Kilmore and Ardagh.; Sheridan, William,  1685 1
Paul The Apostle Saint   73
Paul The Deacon Approximately 720 799 : The narrators of barbarian history (A.D. 550-800) : Jordanes, Gregory of Tours, Bede, and Paul the Deacon.; Goffart, Walter A.  1988 1
Paul The Hermit Saint : Paulus der Eremit : Paulus des eersten Heremiten leven, dat Iheronimus bescreven hevet.; Jerome,  1967 1
Paul Thomas Active 17th Century Some Serious Reflections On That Part : Differences in judgment about vvater-baptism, no bar to communion, or, To communicate with saints, as saints, proved lawful : in answer to a book written by the Baptists, and published by Mr. T.P. and Mr. W.K. entituled, Some serious reflections on that part of Mr. Bunyan's confession of faith, touching church-communion with unbaptized believers : wherein, their objections and arguments are answered, and the doctrine of communion still asserted and vindicated : here is also Mr. Henry's Jesse's judgment in the case, fully declaring the doctrine I have asserted / by John Bunyan.; Bunyan, John,  1673 1
Paul V Pope 1552 1621   25
Paul William 1678 1716 : A true copy of the papers deliver̀d to the Sheriffs of London by W. Paul, a clergyman, and John Hall, Esq; late justice of the peace in Northumberland, : who were drawn, hang'd, and quarter'd at Tyburn, for high-treason, against his Majesty King George, July the 11th [sic], 1716. Publish'd by order of the sherriffs [sic] of London.; Paul, William,  1716 1
Paulerspury England Maps : Northamptonshire [cartographic material] : sheet SP 74 NW.; Great Britain.  1958 1
Paulet George Sir 1608 : Later newes from Ireland : concerning the late treacherous action, and rebellion, of Sir Carey Adoughertie, and Felli Me Reeah Mack Dauy : with the cunning & deceitefull surprising of Captaine Hart, his wife and children, and the castle of Kilmore, his ransacking & burning of the cittie of Derry &c., and the inhumane murther of Sir George Paulet, his associates, and most of the inhabitants of Derry aforesaid.  1608 1
Paulhan Jean : Intellectuals in history : the "Nouvelle revue francaise" under Jean Paulhan, 1925-1940.; Cornick, Martyn.  1995 1
Pauli Wolfgang 1900 1958 : The creation of quantum mechanics and the Bohr-Pauli dialogue.; Hendry, John,  c1984 1
Paulin Tom : QWERTY : arts, littératures et civilisations du monde anglophone.  1993 1
Pauline Churches   3
Paulinus Of Nola Saint Approximately 353 431 : Flores solitudinis : certaine rare and elegant pieces, viz. ... / collected in his sicknesse and retirement by Henry Vaughan.  1654 1
Paull England Genealogy : Paull : monumental inscriptions.  c2007 1
Paull England History : Paull : an illustrated history / David Alexander Smith.; Smith, David Alexander  2011 1
Paull England History Pictorial Works : Paull : an illustrated history / David Alexander Smith.; Smith, David Alexander  2011 1
Paull England Maps   6
Paull Holme England Maps   2
Paulton England Maps   2
Pauly D Daniel : Ecosystem approach to fisheries : a global perspective / edited by Villy Christensen, Jay Maclean.  2011 1
Pauncefort Edward : The merits of the election between the honourable Craven Howard, esq; petitioner, and Mr. Edward Pauncefort, one of the sitting members for the borough of Malmsbury  1699 1
Pausanias : Pausanias, the betrayer of his country : a tragedy, acted at the Theatre Royal by His Majesties servants / written by a person of quality.; Norton, Richard,  1696 1
Paustovsky Konstantin 1892 1968 : Structural and stylistic features of Paustovskii's short story and novel.; Marko, Myroslaw Julian.  1975 1
Pauw Adriaan 1585 1653 : A list of the ships taken by the fleet of the Common-wealth of England, since the late engagement of the Admirall Trump, neer Dover (contrary to the law of nature, and customs of nations) at the same time that three of their embassadors were here treating of peace : with the Parliaments answer to the paper of the Lord Paw, wherein he desired them to propound what they thought reasonable and just to compose the present differences between them and the States Generall of the United Provinces.  1652 1
Pauwels Willy 1931 Trials Litigation Etc : Pauwels case : judgment of 26 May 1988.; European Court of Human Rights.  1988 1
Pavans Scores : Consort music / Peter Philips and Richard Dering ; transcribed and edited by David J. Smith.; Philips, Peter,  2016 1
Pavelic Ante 1889 1959 : Nationalism and terror : Ante Pavelic and Ustashe terrorism from fascism to the Cold War / Pino Adriano and Giorgio Cingolani.; Adriano, Pino,  2017 1
Pavement Musical Group : Wowee Zowee / Bryan Charles.; Charles, Bryan.  2010 1
Pavements Early Works To 1800 : A guide to surveyors of the high-ways : shewing the office and duty of such surveyors, with several cases and resolutions in law relating to the same : collected and gathered out of publick acts of Parliament now in force, and out of the year-books, and other books of the municipal laws of this kingdom : with an abridgment of the statute of 22 H. 8 Chap. 5 for the repairing of bridges, with cases relating thereunto : and likewise a summary of the statutes made for paving, cleansing &c., streets, lanes, &c., in London and other towns and places, and an abstract of statutes made for the repairs of high-ways and bridges in particular places, methodiz'd into short chapters for the ready finding out any matter contain'd in the book / by G. Meriton, Gent.; Meriton, George,  1694 1
Pavements England London Maintenance And Repair : By the Commissioners for Sewers, Pavements, &c. in London : it is ordered, that the clerk do forthwith send to the deputies and common council-men of the several wards, a note of the names of the pavier or paviers designed for each ward ...; City of London (England).  1671 1
Pavements Law And Legislation England London : By the Commissioners for Sewers, Pavements, &c. in London : it is ordered, that the clerk do forthwith send to the deputies and common council-men of the several wards, a note of the names of the pavier or paviers designed for each ward ...; City of London (England).  1671 1
Pavements Maintenance And Repair England London Early Works To 1800 : Several reasons humbly offered to consideration, : why a pound rate, for paving the streets of the city of London, should not be imposed upon the inhabitants thereof.  1700? 1
Pavements Mosaic Great Britain : Mosaics in Roman Britain : stories in stone.; Witts, Patricia.  2005 1
Pavese Cesare   33
Pavia Battle Of Pavia Italy 1525 : The Battle of Pavia, 24th February, 1525 / translated and edited by A.E. Murch.; Giono, Jean,  c1965 1
Pavia Italy Province History : L'altra guerra : neofascisti, tedeschi, partigiani, popolo in una provincia padana, Pavia, 1943-1945.; Guderzo, Giulio.  c2002 1
Pavlov Ivan Petrovich : Pavlov and Freud.; Wells, Harry Kohlsaat.  1960 1
Pavlova Anna 1881 1931 : Nijinsky, Pavlova, Duncan : three lives in dance / edited by Paul Magriel.  1977 1
Pavolini Alessandro 1903 1945 : Staging fascism : 18 BL and the theater of masses for masses.; Schnapp, Jeffrey T.  1996 1
Pawlett England Maps   2
Pawlin William : [To the h]onourable the knights, citizens, [and] burgesses in Parliament assembled, : the humble petition of Thomas Brewer gent. and VVilliam Pawlin, Elizabeth Quested widow, Ann Beswick, daughter of Ann Beswick widow, and other the creditors of Vlick late Earl of St. Albans, and Clanricard, deceased,.; Brewer, Thomas,  1659? 1
Pawnbrokers Anecdotes : The Devil and broker, or, A character of a pawn broker : in a merry dialogue with their mainfold frauds and deceits discovered.  1677 1
Pawnbroking England : Observations manifesting the conveniency and commodity of mount-pietyes, or publick banks : for relief of the poor, and others in distresse upon pawns, at a certain known moderate interest and the inconveniency and great discommodity of continuing or countenancing the ordinary pawn-brokers or lenders upon pawns.  1661 1
Pawnbroking England Early Works To 1800   3
Pawnbroking Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : A table of interest, as allowed by law to be taken by pawnbrokers, for money lent on goods.. / By a gentleman in the law.; Gentleman in the Law.  1750? 1
Pawnbroking Law And Legislation England Early Works To 1800 : Great mischiefs daily arising by the common practice of pawn-brokers and their accomplices in and about the city of London, : thieves and other dishonest persons being thereby incouraged to steal, purloyn of imbezel goods and chattels, for want of some good law to prevent the frauds and concealments of pawn-brokers: it is there humbly propos'd, that an act should pass to the effect following:  1707? 1
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