Permutations : A short treatise of the combinations, elections, permutations & composition of quantities : illustrated by several examples, with a new speculation of the differences of the powers of numbers / by Tho. Strode ...; Strode, Thomas,
Permutations Early Works To 1800 : A short treatise of the combinations, elections, permutations & composition of quantities. : Illustrated by several examples, with a new speculation of the differences of the powers of numbers. / By Tho. Strode, Gent.; Strode, Thomas,
Pernambuco Brazil Biography : The biography of Mahommah Gardo Baquaqua : his passage from slavery to freedom in Africa and America / edited by Robin Law and Paul E. Lovejoy.
Perne Andrew 1594 1654 : A sermon preached Decemb. 16. 1654. At the funerall of Mr Andrevv Pern, preacher of the Word of God at Wilby in Northampton-shire. / By Samuel Ainsworth rector of Kelmarsh.; Ainsworth, Samuel.
Perpetual Motion Early Works To 1800 : A dialogue philosophicall. : Wherein natures secret closet is opened, and the cause of all motion in nature shewed ovt of matter and forme, tending to mount mans minde from nature to supernaturall and celestial promotion: and how all things exist in the number of three. : Together with the wittie inuention of an artificiall perpetuall motion, presented to the kings most excellent maiestie. / All which are discoursed betweene two speakers, Philadelph, and Theophrast, brought together by Thomas Tymme, professour of diuinitie..; Tymme, Thomas,
Perpetuities England : The Case of the Duke of Norfolk : represented to the supreme judicature of the kingdome, the lords in Parliament.
Perpetuities Great Britain : The Duke of Norfolk's case, or, The doctrine of perpetuities fully set forth and explain'd
Perrinchief Richard 1623 1673 Discourse Of Toleration : A second discourse of the religion of England : further asserting, that reformed Christianity, setled [sic] in its due latitude, is the stability and advancement of this kingdom : wherein is included, an answer to a late book, entitled, A discourse of toleration.; Corbet, John,
Perrot John Sir Approximately 1527 1592 : The gouernment of Ireland vnder the honorable, iust, and wise gouernour Sir Iohn Perrot Knight, one of the Priuy Councell to Queene Elizabeth, beginning 1584. and ending 1588 : Being the first booke of the continuation of the historie of that kingdome, formerly set forth to the yeare 1584, and now continued to this present 1626. Whereof the rest succeeding this already collected, but not fully perfected, shall shortly follow.; E. C. S,
Perrot Luce 1678 : An account of several observable speeches of Mrs. Luce Perrot : the late wife of Mr. Robert Perrot of London, minister. Spoken by her chiefly in the time of her sickness, and a little before her death; and taken immediately from her own mouth, though unknown to her. And now published for the comfort and benefit of her near relations, and some other of her friends.; Perrot, Luce,
Perry And Lane Firm : Perry of London : a family and a firm on the seaborne frontier, 1615-1753 / Jacob M. Price.; Price, Jacob M,
Perry Crofts England Maps : Staffordshire - Warwickshire [cartographic material] : sheet SK 20 NW.; Great Britain.
Perry Family : Perry of London : a family and a firm on the seaborne frontier, 1615-1753 / Jacob M. Price.; Price, Jacob M,
Perry Hugo 1633 : Lachrymæ reipublicæ Londinensis, sive Epicedia præcipuorum quatuor senatorum : Anno decimo regni serenissimi & potentissimi Magnæ Britanniæ Regis Caroli. Ad Senatum ex insignibus urbis.; Sictor, Jan,
Perry Jimmy : Jimmy Perry and David Croft / Simon Morgan-Russell.; Morgan-Russell, Simon,
Perry John 1559 1593 : The examinations of Henry Barrowe Iohn Grenewood and Iohn Penrie, before the high commissioners, and Lordes of the Counsel. Penned by the prisoners themselues before their deathes; Barrow, Henry,
Perry Widow : The power of vvitchcraft : being a most strange but true relation of the most miraculous and wonderful deliverance of one Mr. William Harrison, of Cambden in the county of Glocester, steward to the Lady Nowel. Who was supposed to have been murthered by his own servant, and his servants mother and brother: but to the amazement of all the people that live near the said place, the truth is now brought to light; and Mr. Harrison after about two years absence is returned into his own country and place of abode in Cambden. The manner how he was bewitched away, and the manner of his safe return back again into his own countrey you shall hear in this following discourse.
Perry William 1585 : Popish cruelties : wherein may be seen that Romish traitors have now the same murthering and treasonable principles and practices they had in Q. Elizabeth's reign, against the established governour and government of these kingdoms. And yet after conviction, evident proof, free and frequent confession of being guilty; before, at, and after their trial, yet at their execution, to deceive the world and their own consciences, they seem as innocent as the child unborn. All which plainly appears in this exact account of the trial, confession, conviction, condemnation, &c. of Dr. W. P. To which are added forms of prayers and thanksgivings to be used for all kings, &c. and in the Parliament-House, when there is any danger of Popery.
Persecution Barbados : A Short account of the manifest hand of God that hath fallen upon several marshals and their deputies : who have made great spoil and havock of the goods of the people called Quakers in the island of Barbadoes for their testimony against going or sending to the militia : with a remarkable account of some others of the persecutors of the same people in the same island, together with an abstract of their sufferings.