Philips Mary : Strange and terrible nevves from Cambridge : a true relation of the Quakers bewitching of Mary Philips out of the bed from her husband in the night, and transformed her into the shape of a bay mare, riding her from Dinton, towards the University : with the manner how she became visible again to the people in her own likeness and shape, with her sides all rent and torn, as if they had been spur-gal'd, her hands and feet worn as black as a coal, and her mouth slit with the bridle bit : likewise her speech to the scholars and countrey-men, upon this great and wonderful change, her oath before the judges and justices, and the names of the Quakers brought to tryal on Friday last at the assises held at Cambridge, with the judgment of the court : as also the Devil's snatching of one from his company, and hoisting of him up into the air, with what hapned thereupon.
Philips Peter 1561 1628 : Networks of music and culture in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries [electronic resource] : a collection of essays in celebration of Peter Philips's 450th anniversary; Smith, David J.
Philips Thomas Sir : Illustrissimus dominus, Tho. Philips, eques auratus, prænobilisque ordinis baronetorum Anglicorum, serenissimo potentissimoque Carolo primo, Dei gratia magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ regi, fidei propugnatorj ab interiori cãera, eidemque ma[ty] ad potentissimum Principẽ Han Morat regni Ottomanij, totiusq[ue] imperij orientalis monarcham legatus, Anno Salutis 1626; Philips, Thomas,
Phillips Collection Catalogues : From Hopper to Rothko : America's road to modern art / edited by Ortrud Westheider and Michael Philipp ; exhibition, Susan Behrends Frank ; with contributions by Susan Behrends Frank [and six others].
Phillips County Ark History : On the lap of the gods : the Red Summer of 1919 and the struggle for justice that remade a nation / Robert Whitaker.; Whitaker, Robert,
Phillips Duncan 1886 1966 Art Patronage Exhibitions : From Hopper to Rothko : America's road to modern art / edited by Ortrud Westheider and Michael Philipp ; exhibition, Susan Behrends Frank ; with contributions by Susan Behrends Frank [and six others].
Phillips Edward 1630 1696 New World Of Words : A world of errors discovered in The new world of words, or, General English dictionary, and in Nomothetes, or, The interpreter of law-words and terms / by Tho. Blount ... Esq.; Blount, Thomas,
Phillips George 1593 1644 Reply To A Confutation Of Some Grounds Fo : A confutation of infants baptisme, or an answer, to a treatice written by Georg Phillips, of Wattertowne in New England, in the defence of infants baptisme : denying the true church to be formed by baptisme, and affirming it to be formed by a covenant acted by a company of believers, to become one, and anothers amongst themselves. Wherein, is plainely discovered that neither infants baptisme, nor yet such a covenant acted, can be Gods ordinance appointed by him for such end, as to constitute true visable churches: as also that baptisme of beleevers, and that only is Gods ordinance whereby true visible churches are rightly constituted and stated in their true being. By Thomas Lambe.; Lamb, Thomas,
Phillips George 1662 : A brief narrative of that stupendious tragedie late intended to be acted by the satanical saints of these reforming times : humbly presented to the Kings most excellent Majesty : also an impartial account of the indictment, arraignment, tryal, and condemnation of Thomas Tonge, George Phillips, Francis Stubbs, James Hind, Iohn Sallers, and Nathaniel Gibbs, at Iustice-Hall in the Old-Baily, London, Decemb. 11, 1662 : together with the confessions, speeches and prayers of George Phillips, Thomas Tonge, [brace] Nathaniel Gibbs, Francis Stubbs, at the place of execution, on Munday Decemb. 22, 1662 / exactly taken in short- hand characters by the same person that wrote the late kings iudges tryals.; Hill, William,
Phillips Henry 1914 : From obscurity to bright dawn : how Nyasaland became Malawi : an insider's account.; Phillips, Henry,
Phillips Lady 1684 : Sad and dreadful news from Kings-street in Westminster, or a most lamentable relation of the untimely end of the Lady Phillips : Who was found strangled in her chamber, on the 12th of this instant November, giving an account of all the material circumstances, attending the murther of that unfortunate lady.
Phillips Mike : London crossings : a biography of black Britain.; Phillips, Mike,
Phillips Mistris : A perfect relation of the cause and manner of the apprehending, by the Kings souldiers, William Needle and Mistris Phillips, both dwelling in the town of Banbury in Oxfordshire. : Together with their inhumaine usage, whilest they remained close prisoners in the Castle of Banbury. As also the unjust execution of the one, and the barbarous cruelty exercised against the other: being a fit looking-glasse for all misled malignants, to see the clemency and civility of that accursed crew of the cavileers, in that place, and other parts of this Kingdome.
Phillips Nathaniel 1733 1813 : Jamaican material in the Slebech papers from the National Library of Wales and Pembrokeshire Record Office / introduction to the microfilm collection by Kenneth Morgan.
Phillpotts Eden 1862 1960 Yellow Sands : Yellow sands : the story of the famous play by Eden & Adelaide Eden Phillpotts / by Adelaide Eden Phillpotts.; Phillpotts, Adelaide Eden,
Philly John : Newes out of the east, of the common enemy, who is yet in being in Hungaria and Austria. Or, a true account of the tryals and sufferings, jeopardies and tortourings, which Iohn Philly and William Moore passed through of late in the aforesaid countries; Caton, William,
Philmore Mary : A true and perfect relation of a most horrid and bloody murtehr [sic] committed by one Philmore's wife in Blew-boar-Court in Field-lane, London, upon the body of her own child : together with the heads of her confession in prison ...
Philo Of Byblos : Weltentstehung und Kulturentwicklung bei Philo von Byblos : ein Beitrag zur Überlieferung der biblischen Urgeschichte.; Ebach, Jürgen.