Philosophy History 16th Century Miscellanea : The choise of change : containing the triplicitie of diuinitie, philosophie & poetrie : short for memorie, profitable for knowledge, and necessarie for maners : whereby the learned may be confirmed, the ignorant instructed, and all men generaly recreated / newly set foorth by S.R. Gent. and student in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge.; S. R.
Philosophy History Middle Ages 600 1500 : Knotenpunkt Byzanz : Wissensformen und kulturelle Wechselbeziehungen / herausgegeben von Andreas Speer und Philipp Steinkrüger.
Philosophy Japanese : Millennial monsters : Japanese toys and the global imagination / Anne Allison.; Allison, Anne,
Philosophy Japanese 20th Century : Sourcebook for modern Japanese philosophy : selected documents / translated and edited by David A. Dilworth and Valdo H. Viglielmo ; with Agustin Jacinto Zavala.
Philosophy Medieval Early Works To 1800 : Philosophy reformed & improved in four profound tractates. : The I. discovering the great and deep mysteries of nature: by that learned chymist & physitian Osw: Crollivs. The other III. discovering the wonderfull mysteries of the creation by Paracelsvs: being his philosophy to the Athenians. / Both made English by H. Pinnell, for the increase of learning and true knowledge.; Croll, Oswald,