Philosophy Of Nature Australia : Heartsick for country [electronic resource] : stories of love, spirit, and creation / edited by Sally Morgan, Tjalaminu Mia, and Blaze Kwaymullina.
Philosophy Of Nature United States : American states of nature [electronic resource] : the origins of independence, 1761-1775 / Mark Somos.; Somos, Mark,
Philosophy Political Aspects England 18th Century : Characteristics of men, manners, opinions, times / Anthony Ashley Cooper, third Earl of Shaftesbury ; edited by Lawrence E. Klein.; Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper,
Philosophy Renaissance Congresses : Philosophy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries : conversations with Aristotle / edited by Constance Blackwell and Sachiko Kusukawa.
Philosophy Scottish 19th Century : The Scottish idealists : selected philosophical writings / edited and introduced by David Boucher.
Philosophy Scottish 20th Century : The personal world : John Macmurray on self and society / selected and introduced by Philip Conford.; Macmurray, John,
Philosophy Scottish Bio Bibliography : A bibliography of David Hume and of Scottish philosophy from Francis Hutcheson to Lord Balfour / by T.E. Jessop.; Jessop, T. E.
Philosophy Scottish Early Works To 1800 : Theses philosophicæ, : quas, auspice & propitio D. O. M. adolescentes nonnulli curriculum philosophicum emenensi, & triumphi laureâ condecorandi in inclytâ universitate Glasguensi, as dem Julij. Publicè propugnabunt, horis & loco solitas. / Præside Joanne Bodio.; Boyd, John,
Philosophy Social Aspects England 18th Century : Characteristics of men, manners, opinions, times / Anthony Ashley Cooper, third Earl of Shaftesbury ; edited by Lawrence E. Klein.; Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper,
Philosophy Speeches Addresses Etc Scotland Early Works To 1800 : Schediasmata libero-philosophica : Quorum A.P.D.O.M. solennis instituetur suzētēsis, in publico philosophantium confessu Academiæ Andreapolitanæ; anno Æræ Christ: 1668. Julii horis & loco solitis. Propugnantibus alumnis ex inclyto S. salvatoris Athenæo, cum triumphali laureæ materialis corollâ hâc vice emittendis. [Illegible] Roberto Hamiltono.; Hamilton, Robert,
Philosophy Speeches Addresses Etc Scotland Edinburgh History Sources Early : Progymnasmata quædam, quibus in philosophici Tyrocinii jam præterlapsi specimen decertabunt : A.P.D.O.M. Adolescentes aliquot ex Lyceo Edinburgeno ad magisterialem lauream aspirantes, in æde sacrâ hyesterensi ad diem Julii 18. Sub præsidio Ioannis Sylvii.
Philosophy Speeches Addresses Etc Scotland History Sources Early Works To : Theses Philosophicae : quas auspice ac propitio D. O. M. Adolescentes Magisterii Candidati, in Academia Mareschallana, die Iulii, Anno 1631. Publice propugnabunt, ab aurora ad meridiem. Præside Ioanne Setono.; Seton, John.