Plague Government Policy Early Works To 1800 : De officio fidelis et prudentis magistratus tempore pestilentiae rempublican a contagio praeservandi liberandique. English; Ewich, Johann von,
Plague Government Policy India : Colonizing the body : state medicine and epidemic disease in nineteenth-century India.; Arnold, David,
Plague Great Britain Mortality : The Four great years of the plague, viz. 1593, 1603, 1625, and 1636 : compared by the weekly bills of mortality printed every Thursday in the said years, by which its increase and decrease is plainly discerned in all those years.
Plague Great Britain Sermons : A sermon intended for Paul's Crosse, but preached in the Church of St. Paul's, London, the III. of December, M.DC.XXV. Vpon the late decrease and withdrawing of Gods heauie visitation of the plague of pestilence from the said citie. By Tho: Fuller, Master of Arts in Pembroke-Hall in Cambridge; Fuller, Thomas,
Plague History England 17th Century : By the Lords and others His Majesties commissioners : an order for the observance and execution of the statute made for the reliefe and ordering of persons infected with the plague.; England and Wales.
Plague Internal Medicine : Pestilence and poverty : the Great Plague of London, 1665.; Slack, Paul,
Plague Ireland Early Works To 1800 : A declaration and proclamation of the Deputy-General of Ireland, : concerning the present hand of God in the visitation of the plague; and for the exercise of fasting and prayer in relation thereunto.; Ireland.
Plague Italy : Neuues from Millaine and Spaine : the copy of a letter written from Millaine to Venice, by Signior Padre, concerning a strange prince, called Prince Mammon, who is lately come into that state : a proclamation made in the name of His Maiesty of Spaine, for the search, finding out and apprehending of all such persons, as shall be suspected to be sent out of Millaine, by Prince Mammon ... : a letter written from S. Lucas, concerning the iustice and execution in Millaine, done vpon two of the principall conspirators in the dispersing of infectious oyntment and powders made by the diuell / translated out of the Spanish copy.
Plague Italy Naples Treatment : A Brief relation of the plague at Naples, in the year M.DC.LVI. : Where died 10, some days 15, and one day 20000 at least, (some say 25000) and the next day but 500. : With observations, preservatives, and cures. / Translated out of Italian into English.
Plague Law And Legislation Scotland Edinburgh Early Works To 1800 : Edinburgh, the 19. day of July, 1665. : Forsameikle, as the provost, bailies, and council of this Burgh, taking to their consideration the proclamation ... prohibiting and discharging all trade and commerce betwixt this kingdom ... and places of the kingdome of England which are infected or suspected to be infected wth the sicknesse, or plague of pestilence...; Edinburgh (Scotland).
Plague Poetry Early Works To 1800 : Humours heau'n on earth : with the ciuile warres of death and fortune. As also the triumph of death: or, the picture of the plague, according to the life; as it was in anno Domini. 1603. / By Iohn Dauies of Hereford.; Davies, John,
Plague Popular Works : Plague [electronic resource] / Donald Emmeluth; consulting editor, Hilary Babcock; foreword by David Heymann.; Emmeluth, Donald.
Plague Religious Aspects : The Plague checkt, or, Piety will either prevent or alter the property of the plague : ... together with sundry other things in a letter written by a friend to sundry of his godly friends ... with respect to the present times ...
Plague Religious Aspects Christianity Early Works To 1800 : A short dialogue concerning the plagues infection : published to preserue bloud, through the blessing of God : together with a sorting of all those verses in the Psalmes which are noted with the word Selah to shew, the complaints, comforts, faith, prayer and praise of Gods children.; Balmford, James,
Plague Scotland Early Works To 1800 : Ane breve descriptioun of the pest : quhair in the causis, signis and sum speciall preseruatioun and cure thairof ar contenit. / Set furth be Maister Gilbert Skene, doctoure in medicine..; Skene, Gilbert.
Plague Spain : Neuues from Millaine and Spaine : the copy of a letter written from Millaine to Venice, by Signior Padre, concerning a strange prince, called Prince Mammon, who is lately come into that state : a proclamation made in the name of His Maiesty of Spaine, for the search, finding out and apprehending of all such persons, as shall be suspected to be sent out of Millaine, by Prince Mammon ... : a letter written from S. Lucas, concerning the iustice and execution in Millaine, done vpon two of the principall conspirators in the dispersing of infectious oyntment and powders made by the diuell / translated out of the Spanish copy.
Plague Treatment England Early Works To 1800 : Medicines against the pest. Or An advice set down by the best learned in physick within the kingdome of England. : Containing sundry good rules and easie medicines, without charge to the meaner sort of people, as well for their preservation from the plague before infection, as for the curing and ordering of them after they shall bee infected. / By King James His speciall command, in anno 1603.
Plaice : Growth and mortality of juvenile plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) along the Swedish Skagerrak coast.; Modin, Johan.
Plain And Easie Method With The Deists : A detection of the true meaning and wicked design of a book, intitul'd, A plain and easie method with the Deists. Wherein is prov'd, that the author's (Lesley) four marks are the marks of the beast, and are calculated only for the cause and service of Popery. In a letter to a friend..
Plain Mans Answer To His Country Parsons Admonition : A defence of the country parson's admonition : against the exceptions of the Plain-mans answer. / [By William Ashton, D.D., rector of Beckenham in Kent.]; Assheton, William,
Plainville Farm England Maps : [Plainville Farm [cartographic material] : Yorkshire, North Riding 157.1].; Great Britain.