Playing Cards Law And Legislation England : By the Queene : Elizabeth by the grace of God queene of England, Fraunce, and Ireland ... Whereas we by our letters patents dated at Westminster the fourth day of Iune in the twenteth yeare of our raigne, did give ...authoritie to ... Raffe Bowes and Thomas Beddingfield ...; England and Wales.
Playing Cards Law And Legislation Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : Iames by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith &c. ... : whereas Iohn Pinnell, Robert Trow, Robert Baxter, Edward Frier [and 18 others] ... makers of playing cards within our realme of England ...; England and Wales.
Plea Of The Innocent : A modest and reasonable examination of some things in vse in the Church of England : sundrie times heretofore misliked, and now lately, in a booke called the (Plea of the innocent) and an assertion for true and Christian church policy, made for a full satisfaction to all those, that are of iudgement, and not possessed with a preiudice against this present church gouernment ... : the contentes whereof are set downe in the page following / by William Couell ...; Covell, William,
Plea Rolls : Drawings and sketches in the Plea Rolls of the English royal courts c.1200-1300.; Hershey, Andrew H.
Pleading Great Britain Forms : Precedents of pleadings in the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice.; Bullen, Edward,
Pleading Great Britain Handbooks Manuals Etc : A preparative to pleading : being a work intended for the instruction and help of young clerks of the Court of Common Pleas / by George Townsend ...; Townesend, George.