Political Corruption Middle East : Economic performance in the Middle East and North Africa : institutions, corruption and reform / edited by Serdar Sayan ; with foreword by Daron Acemoglu.
Political Corruption Research : Dimensionen politischer Korruption : Beiträge zum Stand der internationalen Forschung / herausgegeben von Ulrich von Alemann.
Political Corruption South Africa : After the party : corruption, the ANC and South Africa's uncertain future / Andrew Feinstein.; Feinstein, Andrew,
Political Corruption Spain : Delitos contra la administración pública / edición al cuidado de Adela Asua Batarrita.
Political Corruption Thailand Bibliography : Corruption : an annotated bibliography, 1966-1977 / by Sirinuj Sutirasakul and Premrudee Techasopapun.; Sirinuj Sutirasakul.
Political Crimes And Offences Africa : The criminalization of the state in Africa / Jean-François Bayart, Stephen Ellis, Béatrice Hibou ; translated from the French by Stephen Ellis.; Bayart, Jean-François.
Political Crimes And Offences Humour Early Works To 1800 : Peter's patern : newly revived, with additions, or The perfect path to worldly happiness. As it was delivered in a funeral sermon preached at the interrment of Mr. Hugh Peters lately deceased. By I.C. translator of Pineda upon Job, and one of the triers.; J. C.
Political Crimes And Offences South Africa : Island in chains : ten years on Robben Island / Prisoner 885/63 ; as told by Indres Naidoo to Albie Sacks.; Naidoo, Indres.