Portugal Foreign Relations Great Britain : Epistola Doctoris Antonii de Sousa de Mac̦edo Portuensis senatus senatoris, legationisque Serenissimi Ioannis Regis Portugalliæ ad Serenissimum Carolum Regem Magnæ Britanniæ secretarii : ad magnatem Curiæ Anglicanæ De manifesto pro parte Regis Castellæ publicato à Iosepho Pellizerio ejus chronista.; Sousa de Macedo, António de,
Portugal Foreign Relations Spain : Sanctissimo domino nostro Papæ Vrbano VIII : in ecclesia Dei præsidi Planctus Catholicus juris gentium : pro legatione serenissimi ac potentissimi principis Joannis IV, Regis Lusitaniæ, &c.; Sousa de Macedo, António de,
Portugal Foreign Relations Spain Congresses : Nationalism and the nation in the Iberian Peninsula : competing and conflicting identities / edited by Clare Mar-Molinero and Angel Smith.
Portugal Foreign Relations Treaties : Colleccao de tratados e concertos de pazes que o Estado da India Portugueza fez com os reis e senhores com quem teve relacoes nas partes da Asia e Africa Oriental, desde o principio da conquista ate ao fim do seculo XVIII.; Portugal.
Portugal History Alfonso Vi 1656 1683 Early Works To 1800 : A brief relation of the just and undeniable title of Alphonso the Sixth, King of Portugal, now reigning, 1661. : Warranted by the fundamental laws of that nation. / by Raph Whitfeld, Gent.; Whitfeld, Raphe.
Portugal History Congresses : Portugal : report and proceedings of the 157th Summer Meeting of the Royal Archaeological Institute in 2011 / compiled by Anthony Quiney, edited by Patrick Ottaway.; Royal Archaeological Institute (Great Britain).
Portugal History John I 1385 1433 : Cronica de D. Joao I / apresentacao critica, seleccao, notas e sugestoes para analise literaria de Teresa Amado.; Lopes, Fernao.
Portugal History John Iii 1521 1557 : Negreiros portugueses na rota das Índias de Castela (1541-1556) / Maria da Graça A. Mateus Ventura.; Ventura, Mária da Graça A. Mateus.
Portugal History Naval : A True and perfect relation of the nevves sent from Amsterdam, the 21. of February, 1603 : concerning the fight of fiue Dutche shippes in the East Indies, against the Portugall fleete, consisting of eight great gallions, and 22. galleyes both great and small, wherof was Admirall, Don Andreas Fartado Mendosa : wherevnto is added also, the voyage and nauigation of the said fiue Dutche shippes and others, in the iles of East Indies, and of their comming home.
Portugal History Peter Ii 1683 1706 : An account of the court of Portugal, under the reign of the present king, Dom Pedro II : with some discourses on the interests of Portugal, with regard to other sovereigns : containing a relation of the most considerable transactions that have pass'd of late between that court, and those of Rome, Spain, France, Vienna, England, &c.; Colbatch, John,
Portugal History Sebastiao 1557 1578 : Fables de la mémoire : la glorieuse bataille des trois rois, 1578 : souvenirs d'une grande tuerie chez les chrétiens, les juifs & les musulmans / Lucette Valensi.; Valensi, Lucette.