Quarantine England London Early Works To 1800 : The case of the Levant Company, in relation to the bill now depending before this Honourable House, for performing quarentine..; Company of Merchants of England Trading to the Levant.
Quarantine Law And Legislation England Early Works To 1800 : By the King. A proclamation to restraine the landing of men, or goods, out of such ships as shall come from the parts of France, or the Low-Countries now infected with the plague, till they haue warrant from the officers or farmours of His Maiesties Customes..; England and Wales.
Quarles Francis 1592 1644 : Solomons recantation, entitvled Ecclesiastes paraphrased : with a soliloquie or meditation upon every chapter : very seasonable and useful for these times / by Francis Quarles ; with a short relation of his life and death.; Quarles, Francis,
Quarles Francis 1592 1644 Loyall Convert : The loyall convert, (according to the Oxford copy.) : A convert will be loyall: or, some short annotations on this book / by W. Bridges. Published by authority.; Bridges, W.,
Quarles Francis 1659 1664 : Solomons recantation, entituled Ecclesiastes, paraphrased : With a soliloquie or meditation upon every chapter. Together with Enchiridion: containing diverse constitutions, very seasonable and usefull for these times. Written by Francis Quarles. With a short relation of his life and death.; Quarles, Francis,
Quarles John 1601 1665 : Articles to be inquired of within the archdeaconry of Northampton at the visitation of the Right Worshipfull John Quarles, Doctor of Divinity, Archdeacon there, holden anno. Dom. 1662; Church of England.
Quarles John 1624 1665 : Tyranny of the Dutch against the English : wherein is exactly declared the (almost unvaluable) loss which the commonwealth of England hath sustained by their usurpation : and likewise the sufferings and losses of Abraham Woofe, then factor at Lantore, and others in the island of Banda / formerly collected in loose sheets by Mr. Woofe himself ; and now illustrated and extracted out of his papers by John Quarles.; Woofe, Abraham.
Quarriers Village Orphanage History : William Quarrier : the orphan's friend ; a brief record of early hardships ; industrial success ; a noble aim ; a triumphant faith ; and of help rendered to thousands of destitute children / by John Climie.; Climie, John,
Quarries And Quarrying : Underground excavations in rock / E. Hoek, E. T. Brown.; Hoek, Evert,
Quarries And Quarrying Europe Atlantic Coast : Coastal superquarries to supply South-East England aggregate requirements / Michael Whitbread, Andrew Marsay.; Whitbread, Michael.
Quarrington England Maps : Lincolnshire [cartographic material] : sheet TF 04 SE.; Great Britain.
Quarrymen : Studies in the Yorkshire coal industry / editors; J. Benson and R.G. Neville.