Radicalism West Indies British History : The many-headed hydra : sailors, slaves, commoners, and the hidden history of the revolutionary Atlantic / Peter Linebaugh and Marcus Rediker.; Linebaugh, Peter,
Radicalization Psychological Aspects : Terrorism, violent radicalisation, and mental health [electronic resource] / edited by Kamaldeep Bhui, Dinesh Bhugra.
Radicals Chemistry : Stereochemistry of radical reactions : concepts, guidelines, and synthetic applications / Dennis P. Curran, Ned A. Porter, Bernd Giese.; Curran, Dennis P.
Radicals England Anecdotes : The Character of a town-gallant : exposing the extravagant fopperies of som[e] vain self-conceited pretenders to gentility and good breeding.
Radicals Great Britain History 17th Century : The new non-conformist; : who having obtained help of God, doth persist unto this very day; witnessing, both to small and great, some of those glorious things which the Apostles, the prophets, & Moses, did say should come to pass. Or, the voice of a careful shepherd, crying from his watch-tower at W.C. unto his little flock at W.L. with a loud voice.; Feake, Christopher,
Radicals Great Britain History 17th Century Early Works To 1800 : Truths testimony; : and a testimony of truths appearing, in power, life, light & glory; creating, manifesting, increasing and vindicating it self in the midst of persecution. Wherein is discovered what truth is, and also a lye, who knows it, and lives in it. With the authors call and conversion to the truth, his practice in it, his publishing of it, and his several tryals for the same: Viz. 1. Before Baron Wilde at Worcester. 2. Before Judge Nicholas at Worcester. 3. Before Serjeant Green at Oxford. 4. Before Serjeant Hutton at Oxford. 5. Before Serjeant Glyn at Glocester. Together with the particular accusations brought against him in each tryal, and his answers to the same. As also the courts proceedings both by judges and juries. With an humble appeal to his highness, Oliver Lord Protector, as a general redress for all people. / By Richard Coppin.; Coppin, Richard,
Radicals Scotland Early Works To 1800 : Edinburgh, 9. November 1648. The Committee of Estates taking into their consideration that the putting of disaffected and malignant persons in places of trust or power in the severall shires and burghs of the kingdom ...; Scotland.
Radio And Music : Current of music : elements of a radio theory / [Theodor W. Adorno] ; edited with an introduction by Robert Hullot-Kentor.; Adorno, Theodor W.,
Radio Astronomy History : The Early years of radio astronomy : reflections fifty years after Jansky's discovery / edited by W.T. Sullivan III.
Radio Astronomy Observatories : Observatories and telescopes of modern times : ground-based optical and radio astronomy facilities since 1945 / David Leverington.; Leverington, David,
Radio Audiences : Ratings analysis : the theory and practice of audience research / James G. Webster, Patricia F. Phalen, Lawrence W. Lichty.; Webster, James G.
Radio Audiences South Africa : Radio, public life and citizen deliberation in South Africa / edited by Sarah Chiumbu, Gilbert Motsaathebe.