Reclamation Of Land England Cambridgeshire : An explanation of the drayning workes which have beene lately made for the Kings Maiestie in Cambridge shire by the direction of Sir Cornelius Virmuden : wherein is discovered how the said Sir Cornelius hath abused the Kings Maiestie and many of his loving subjects / written by Andrewes Burrell.; Burrell, Andrewes.
Reclamation Of Land England Fens The : Laws, ordinances and decrees made upon Friday the twentieth day of July, 1666, and in the eighteenth year of the reign of our sovereign lord, Charles the Second ... / by the right Honourable John, Lord Berkley, Richard, Lord Gorges, Thomas Chicheley, and Robert Hampson, Esq., four of the bailiffs of the Corporation of the Great Level of the Fens; John Russel, Esq., Sir Charles Harbord Kt., William Denton, Doctor in Physick, William Crane, Roger Jenyns, and John Bradborn, esquires, six of the conservators of the said corporation.; Corporation of the Great Level of the Fens.
Reclamation Of Land England Norfolk : The records of a commission of sewers for Wiggenhall, 1319-1324 / [edited by] A.E.B. Owen. William Asshebourne's book / [edited by] D.M. Owen.
Reconciler Of Religions : The books and divers epistles of the faithful servant of the Lord Josiah Coale / collected and published, as it was desired by him the day of his departure out of this life.; Coale, Josiah,
Reconciliation Africa : Report of the joint OAU/IPA task force on peacekeeping in Africa.
Reconciliation Case Studies : Across the lines of conflict : facilitating cooperation to build peace / edited by Michael Lund and Steve McDonald.
Reconciliation Congresses : Reconciliation, justice and coexistence : theory & practice / [edited by] Mohammed Abu-Nimer.
Reconciliation Drama : Truth and reconciliation / Debbie Tucker Green.; Green, Debbie Tucker.
Reconciliation Early Works To 1800 : Christ the universall peace-maker: or, The reconciliation of all the people of God, : notwithstanding all their differences, enmities. / By Tho: Goodvvin, B.D.; Goodwin, Thomas,
Reconciliation Ghana : Gateway of hope [videorecording] : journey to the heart of Africa / directed by David Murden, David Bellamy and Barney Pratt.
Reconciliation History : Rancor & reconciliation in medieval England / Paul R. Hyams.; Hyams, Paul R.
Reconciliation Political Aspects Cuba : Back channel to Cuba : the hidden history of negotiations between Washington and Havana / William M. LeoGrande and Peter Kornbluh.; LeoGrande, William M.,
Reconciliation Political Aspects New Zealand : Settler colonialism and (re)conciliation : frontier violence, affective performances, and imaginative refoundings / Penelope Edmonds.; Edmonds, Penelope.
Reconciliation Religious Aspects Christianity Early Works To 1800 : The blessed peace-maker and Christian reconciler: : intended for the healing of all unatural and unchristian divisions, in all relations: according to the purport of that divine oracle, pronounced by the Prince of Peace himself, Matth. 5.9. / By Claudius Gilbert, B.D. minister of the Gospel at Limrick.; Gilbert, Claudius,