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Mark   Year Entries
Reforestation Great Britain Early Works To 1800   3
Reforestation Thailand : Reforestation campaign, 9 June 1994 - 9 June 1996, in commemoration of the Royal Golden Jubilee.; Thailand.  1994? 1
Reform Judaism Germany : Das Judenthum und seine Reform [microform] : als Vorbedingung der vollständigen Ausnahme der Nation in den Staats-Verband : Justiz-und Polizen-Beamten zur vorzüglichen Rüchsichtnahme / von J.B. Graser.; Graser, J. B.  1993 1
Reform Social 1800   30
Reformation   411
Reformation 16th Century : Preparing for death, remembering the dead / Tarald Rasmussen, Jon Øygarden Flæten (eds.)  2015 1
Reformation And Art Germany : Monstrous births and visual culture in sixteenth-century Germany [electronic resource] / by Jennifer Spinks.; Spinks, Jennifer.  2009 1
Reformation Anniversaries Etc Early Works To 1800 : The Duke of Saxonie his iubilee : with a short chronologie. Both shewing the goodnesse of God, in blessing the Gospel of Christ, since Luther first opposed the Popes pardons.  1618 1
Reformation Atlases : Atlas of the European Reformations / by Tim Dowley ; cartographer Nick Rowland FRGS.; Dowley, Tim.  2015 1
Reformation Austria Early Works To 1800 : The supplicacion: that the nobles and comons of Osteryke made lately by their messaungers, vnto kyng Ferdinandus, in the cause of the Christen religion : Item. The kynges answere to the same. Vvherpon foloweth the wordes that the messaungers spake vnto the kyng agayne at their departing.  1542? 1
Reformation Austria Styria : The Counter-Reformation in Central Europe : Styria 1580-1630.; Pörtner, Regina.  2001 1
Reformation Belgium : La reforme en Belgique sous Charles-Quint.; Halkin, Leon-Ernest.  1957 1
Reformation Belgium Antwerp : Antwerp in the age of Reformation : underground Protestantism in a commercial metropolis, 1550-1577 / translated by J.C. Grayson.; Marnef, Guido.  1996 1
Reformation Bio Bibliography Early Works To 1800 : Praestantium aliquot theologorum. English; Verheiden, Jacob,  1637 1
Reformation Biography   7
Reformation Causes Early Works To 1800   2
Reformation Congresses   2
Reformation Controversial Literature : Epigrammes; Anderton, Lawrence.  1630? 1
Reformation Czech Republic Prague Early Works To 1800 : A short information, but agreeable vnto Scripture: of idol-images· : Made vnto the Christian congregation at Prague, when as, by his Royall Maiesties most gracious command, the Castle-church there, was clensed from all images, on Sonday the twelfth of December, in the yeare 1619. By Abraham Scultetus. Faithfully translated according to the high Dutch copie printed at Heidelberge, by Gotthard Vœgeliu, 1620.; Scultetus, Abraham,  1620 1
Reformation Early Movements : Reflections upon Mr. Varillas his History of heresy : Book 1, Tome 1, as far as it relates to English matters, more especially those of Wicliff.; Hannes, Edward,  1688 1
Reformation Early Works To 1800   28
Reformation Encyclopedias : The Oxford encyclopedia of the Reformation / Hans J. Hillerbrand, editor in chief.  1996 1
Reformation England   139
Reformation England Controversial Literature : God's call to England, for thankfulness after gracious deliverances : wherein is shewed, that our deliverances, not answered with reformation, will be followed with sorest destruction / by Thomas Gouge.; Gouge, Thomas,  1680 1
Reformation England Controversial Literature Early Works To 1800 : Antisanderus : duos continens dialogos non ita pridem inter viros quosdam doctos venetijs habitos: in quibus variæ Nicholaj Sanderi, alioruḿque Romanemsium calumniæ in haec Anglorum ab excusso pontifice tempora vaferrimè confictae, licèt obitèr [et] fortuitò, verè tamen candidè́que refelluntur.; Cowell, John,  1593 1
Reformation England Early Works To 1800   53
Reformation England Early Works To 1800 Sources : Seasonable and sober advice to the respective counties and corporations in whose good or bad choice of members to serve in this next ensuing Parliament : (in this present juncture of time) consisteth the probable weale or woe of these three nations, and the safety or hazard of our dear-bought liberties and reformation begun / by several ministers of the Gospell, both in citty and countrey, lovers of reformation, and studious of the peace and prosperity of these nations.  1659 1
Reformation England East Anglia : Reformation, politics, and polemics : the growth of Protestantism in East Anglian market towns, 1500-1610.; Craig, John,  2001 1
Reformation England Gloucestershire : The English Reformation and the laity : Gloucestershire, 1540-1580.; Litzenberger, Caroline.  1997 1
Reformation England Historiography   2
Reformation England History : The Reformation in northern England.; Fletcher, J. S.    1
Reformation England History 17th Century : A late dialogue betwixt a civilian and a divine concerning the present condition of the Church of England : in which, among other particulars, these following are especially spoken of ...; Gillespie, George,  1644 1
Reformation England History 17th Century Early Works To 1800 : A late dialogue betwixt a civilian and a divine, concerning the present condition of the Church of England. In which, among other particulars, these following are especially spoken of. 1 The sinne and danger of delaying reformation. 2 That there is a certain form of church-government jure divino. 3 That there was an ecclesiasticall excommunication among the Jews. 4 That excommunication is an ordinance in the New Testament. 5 Concerning the toleration of all sects and heresies. 6 Some answer to a late book come from Oxford. Published by authority.; Gillespie, George,  1644 1
Reformation England History Early Works To 1800 : The praierand [sic] complaynte of the ploweman vnto Christe: writte[n] not longe after the yere of oure Lorde a thousande and thre hundred..  1531? 1
Reformation England Lincoln Diocese : The Henrician reformation : the Diocese of Lincoln under John Longland 1521-1547.; Bowker, Margaret.  1981 1
Reformation England London   2
Reformation England Morebath : The voices of Morebath : Reformation and rebellion in an English village.; Duffy, Eamon.  2001 1
Reformation England Norwich   2
Reformation England Sermons   5
Reformation England Sermons 17th Century : Right reformation: or, The reformation of the church of the New Testament represented in gospel-light. : In a sermon preached to the honourable House of Commons, on Wednesday, November 25. 1646. Together with a reply to the chief contradictions of Master Love's sermon, preached on the same day. Published according to order, for the good of the faithfull, at their desire. / By William Dell, minister of the Gospel, attending on his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax.; Dell, William,  1650 1
Reformation England Sermons Early Works To 1800   3
Reformation England Sources   4
Reformation England West Country : A murderous midsummer : the Western Rising of 1549 / Mark Stoyle.; Stoyle, Mark,  2022 1
Reformation Europe   13
Reformation Europe Central Congresses : The Reformation in Eastern and Central Europe / edited by Karin Maag.  c1997 1
Reformation Europe Eastern Congresses : The Reformation in Eastern and Central Europe / edited by Karin Maag.  c1997 1
Reformation Europe Sources   2
Reformation France   19
Reformation France Biography : Sebastian Castellio, 1515-1563 : humanist and defender of religious toleration in a confessional age / translated and edited by Bruce Gordon.; Guggisberg, Hans Rudolf,  c2003 1
Reformation France Colmar Region : Communities and conflict in early modern Colmar, 1575-1730 / Peter G. Wallace.; Wallace, Peter George,  1995 1
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