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Mark   Year Entries
Religious Satire English 19th Century : A charge of His Grace the Archbishop of York to the clergy of the diocese ; A secret; A good action : addressed to the freeholders of the county of York / conducted by a committee of Yorkshire-men.  1826 1
Religious Satire English Early Works To 1800   16
Religious Satire English England Early Works To 1800 : The saints liberty of conscience in the new kingdom of Poland. : Proposed for the consolation of the distressed brethren.  1683 1
Religious Satire English Poetry Early Works To 1800 : The presbytery. A satyr.    1
Religious Satire French : Two old French satires on the power of the keys : L'escommeniement au lecheor and Le pardon de foutre / edited and translated by Daron Burrows.  2005 1
  Religious Society Of Friends -- See Society of Friends
  Religious Society Of Friends Great Britain -- See London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends)
Religious Studies Study And Teaching Secondary : Religious studies : with guidance on self-evaluation.; Great Britain.  2001 1
Religious Thought : Benjamin Franklin and nature's God.; Aldridge, Alfred Owen.  1967 1
Religious Thought 16th Century   7
Religious Thought 16th Century Early Works To 1800 : A shorte summe of the whole catechisme, : wherein the question is proponed and answered in few wordes, for the greater ease of the commoune people and children. / Gathered by M. Iohne Craig, minister of Gods worde, to the Kings M..; Craig, John,  1581 1
Religious Thought 17th Century   11
Religious Thought Early Works To 1800   2
Religious Thought England : Autobiography in seventeenth-century England : theology and self.; Ebner, Dean.  1971 1
Religious Thought England 16th Century : Tudor apocalypse : sixteenth century apocalypticism, millennarianism, and the English Reformation : from John Bale to John Foxe and Thomas Brightman : illustrative texts from The lanterne of lyght ... [et al.] / [edited by] Richard Bauckham.  1978 1
Religious Thought England 17th Century   2
Religious Thought England London : Popular politics and religion in Civil War London.; Lindley, Keith.  1997 1
Religious Thought Germany 18th Century : Beiträge von jüdischen und christlichen Gelehrten zur Verbesserung der Bekenner des jüdischen Glaubens [microform] / herausgegeben von Heinrich Eberh. Gottlob Paulus.; Paulus, H. E. G.  1993 1
Religious Thought History   3
Religious Thought India : Early Indian religious thought.; Mehta, P. D.  2007 1
Religious Thought Middle Ages 600 1500   4
Religious Thought Middle Ages 600 1500 Europe History : Ghosts in the Middle Ages : the living and the dead in medieval society.; Schmitt, Jean-Claude.  1998 1
Religious Thought New England : New England saints.; Warren, Austin,  1956 1
Religious Thought Russia : Holy Russia : the history of a religious-social idea / by Alexander V. Soloviev.; Solovjev, Aleksandar V.  1959 1
Religious Thought To 600 : Christian origins : theology, rhetoric and community / edited by Lewis Ayres and Gareth Jones.  1998 1
Religious Thought United States   2
Religious Thought United States 18th Century : Religion and the American mind from the Great Awakening to the revolution.; Heimert, Alan.  1966 1
Religious Thought United States 19th Century : The social gospel, "new" immigration, and American culture.; Tracey, Arthur Linwood.  1975 1
Religious Tolerance   22
Religious Tolerance 17th Century   2
Religious Tolerance 17th Century Early Works To 1800 : The bloudy tenent, of persecution, for cause of conscience, discussed, in a conference betweene truth and peace. VVho, in all tender affection, present to the high court of Parliament, (as the result of their discourse) these, (amongst other passages) of highest consideration.; Williams, Roger,  1644 1
Religious Tolerance Christianity : An antidote against bigotry in religion, or, A discourse proving from the testimony of kings, nobles, judges, bishops, deans, doctors, &c. : that wise and good men may differ one from another both in doctrine and discipline, and maintain Christian charity amongst themselves / by a True Berean.; True Berean.  1694 1
Religious Tolerance Christianity Early Works To 1800 : The necessity of toleration in matters of religion, or, Certain questions propounded to the Synod, tending to prove that corporall punishments ought not to be inflicted upon such as hold errors in religion, and that in matters of religion, men ought not to be compelled, but have liberty and freedome. : Here is also the copy of the edict of the Emperours Constantinus and Licinius, and containing the reasons that inforced them to grant unto all men liberty to choose, and follow what religion they thought best. Also here is the faith of the Assembly of Divines, as it was taken out of the exactest copy of their practise, with the non-conformists answer why they cannot receive and submit to the said faith. / By Samuel Richardson.; Richardson, Samuel,  1647 1
Religious Tolerance Christianity History : How the idea of religious toleration came to the West.; Zagorin, Perez.  2003 1
Religious Tolerance Church Of England   5
Religious Tolerance Church Of England Early Works To 1800 : A reply to the Answer of the man of no name to His Grace the Duke of Buckingham's paper of religion, and liberty of conscience / by G. C. ...; Care, George.  1685 1
Religious Tolerance Early Works To 1800   35
Religious Tolerance England   21
Religious Tolerance England 17th Century Early Works To 1800 : A new petition of the papists.  1641 1
Religious Tolerance England Early Works To 1800   82
Religious Tolerance England History 16th Century   2
Religious Tolerance England History 17th Century   3
Religious Tolerance England Protestant Churches : An effort against bigotry, and for Christian catholocism : being a discourse on Rom. 14, 17 / delivered at Andover in Hampshire by Henry Chandler.; Chandler, Henry.  1699 1
Religious Tolerance England Sermons Early Works To 1800   3
Religious Tolerance England York Early Works To 1800 : Vindiciæ veritatis or an unanimous attestation to Gods blessed truth revealed in his vvord: : together with a serious protestation against those church-desolating and soul-damning errors, heresies, and blasphemies, which of late have come in like a flood upon our county and kingdome : especially against a toleration of them. / Made in pursuance of the nationall Covenant, by the ministers of the Gospel within the West-Riding of the countie of York, as a caution to their flocks, and testimonie to the world of their zeal for, and love to, Christs truth and church. Readily and willingly subscribed, April 6. 1648.  1648 1
Religious Tolerance Europe History   2
Religious Tolerance Europe History 16th Century : Tolerance and intolerance in the European reformation / edited by Ole Peter Grell and Bob Scribner.  1996 1
Religious Tolerance Europe History 17th Century : Tolerance and intolerance in the European reformation / edited by Ole Peter Grell and Bob Scribner.  1996 1
Religious Tolerance Europe History 18th Century : Toleration in Enlightenment Europe / edited by Ole Peter Grell and Roy Porter.  2000 1
Religious Tolerance Europe History To 1500 : The scholastics and the Jews : coexistence, conversion, and the medieval origins of tolerance / by Edmund J. Mazza.; Mazza, Edmund J.,  2017 1
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