Rendor John : The Bloody murtherer discovered, or, A true relation of the examination and confession of John Rendor, late butler to Esq. Bluck : before that most worth person Sir William Turner (one of His Majesties Justices of the Peace) about 12 of the clock on Fryday night, who committed that great robbery and murther in the house of his master Esquire Bluck in Holbourn, on the fifth of this instant August last past ...
Renewable Energy Sources Congresses : Trends in renewable energies offshore : proceedings of the 5th international conference on renewable energies offshore (RENEW 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, 8-10 November 2022) / edited by C. Guedes Soares.
Renewable Energy Sources Germany : Rahmenbedingungen für erneuerbare Energien in Deutschland : Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer Vorreiterpolitik.; Reiche, Danyel T.,
Renewable Energy Sources Great Britain : Our energy future - creating a low carbon economy : presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry by command of Her Majesty, February 2003.; Great Britain.
Renewable Energy Sources Law And Legislation : Sustainable ocean resource governance : deep sea mining, marine energy, and submarine cables / edited by Markus Kotzur [and four others].
Renewable Energy Sources Saudi Arabia : The prospects for sustainable innovation within oil-rich gulf cooperation council : the case of renewable energy in Saudi Arabia / Yasser M. Al-Saleh.; Al-Saleh, Yasser M.
Renewable Natural Resources : Renewable bioresources : scope and modification for non-food applications / editors Christian V. Stevens with Roland Verhé.
Rennick James : Letters of intercommuning against Mr. James Rennick, a seditious vagabond and pretended preacher. : Charles, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, to Macers of our Privy Council, or messengers at arms, our sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally, specially constitute, greeting : forasmuch as Mr. James Rennick, a seditious, vagabond and pretended preacher, being lawfullie summoned to have compeared before the Lords Commissioners of our justiciary, upon the ninteenth day of September ...; Scotland.
Renoir Auguste 1841 1919 Loge Exhibitions : Renoir at the theatre : looking at La loge / edited by Ernst Vegelin van Claerbergen and Barnaby Wright ; essays by John House, Nancy Ireson and Aileen Ribeiro ; catalogue by John House ... [et al.].
Rent Charges Great Britain History : A proclamation requiring all His Majesties tenants within the counties of Oxford and Berks to pay their severall rents, and other yearely payments, at the citty of Oxford; England and Wales.
Rent Control Austria : Case of Mellacher and others : 1. Decision of 20 June 1989 (relinquishment of jurisdiction); 2. Judgment of 19 December 1989.; European Court of Human Rights.
Rent England Isle Of Wight Newport Early Works To 1800 : There is a generall greivance to ye owners of ye land and houses in Newport (Isle of Wight) by ye imposition of a tax by ye burghers of ye towne, called Burgidge Rent, : they oblidgeing every house and place of ground, to pay more or less, or else they destroyne.