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Mark   Year Entries
Sacred Vow And Covenant 1643 : A vindication of the late vow and covenant, from the vain clamours and cavils of the ignorant : the blasphemous observations sent to us very lately from Leichfeilds presse in Oxford. Herein is cleared also, that the protestation, and the covenant are all one, and a clear harmony betwixt all foure, the protestation, covenant, oath of supremacie and allegeance: and all these are as contrary to Oxfords covenant as good is to evill; which fully cleareth, that the lords of the world, keepers of the seals and souls there, are such keepers, as Cain was of his brother. This epistle to the reader contains the summe of the answer.  1643? 1
Sacred Writings : Teaching RE : sacred writings 11-16.  1998 1
Sacrements Catholic Church Early Works To 1800 : Guillermus parisiensis de septem sacramentis; Guillermus,  1516 1
Sacrifice   9
Sacrifice Christianity   4
Sacrifice Christianity Early Works To 1800 : Of the visible sacrifice of the Church of God· The first part. VVritten by Anonymus Eremita; Doughty, Thomas,  1638 1
Sacrifice Christianity History Of Doctrines : The power of sacrifice.; Bradley, Ian,  1995 1
Sacrifice Early Works To 1800 : A discourse of proper sacrifice, : in way of answer to A.B.C. Jesuite, another anonymus of Rome: whereunto the reason of the now publication, and many observable passages relating to these times are prefixed by way of preface: by Sr. Edvvard Dering Knight and baronet.; Dering, Edward,  1644 1
Sacrifice In Literature   2
Sacrifice In Motion Pictures   2
Sacrifice Indonesia Eastern : For the sake of our future : sacrificing in eastern Indonesia / edited by Signe Howell.  1996 1
Sacrifice Judaism : De sacrificiis libri duo : quorum altero explicantur omnia Judæorum, nonnulla gentium profanarum sacrificia : altero sacrificium Christi : utroque ecclesiæ Catholicæ his de rebus sententia contra Faustum Socinum, ejúsque sectatores defenditur / autore Guilielmo Outramo ...; Owtram, William,  1677 1
Sacrifice Old Testament   2
Sacrifice Peru   2
Sacrifice Social Aspects United States : U.S. war-culture, sacrifice, and salvation / Kelly Denton-Borhaug.; Denton-Borhaug, Kelly.  2011 1
Sacrifice United States : Blood sacrifice and the nation : totem rituals and the American flag / Carolyn Marvin and David W. Ingle.; Marvin, Carolyn.  1999 1
Sacrilege   9
Sacrilege Early Works To 1800   13
Sacrilege Sermons : Against sacrilege : three sermons / preached by Maister Robert Pont ...; Pont, Robert,  1599 1
Sacriston England Maps : Durham [cartographic material] : sheet NZ 24 NW.; Great Britain.  1966 1
Sad And Lamentable Newes From Suffolk : A true and faithful narrative of the much to be lamented death of Mr. William Tyrrell and the more to be magnified preservation of Sr. John Rous of Henham, Baronet, and divers other gentlemen ... : published for the vindication of Gods truth and those persons honour and credit, from some foul and scandalous aspersions cast upon them in alying libell entituled, Sad and lamentable news from Suffolk / by Lionel Gatford ...; Gatford, Lionel,  1661 1
Sadat Anwar 1918 1981   3
Sadawi Nawal : The essential Nawal El Saadawi : a reader / edited by Adele Newson-Horst.; Saʻdāwī, Nawāl.  2010 1
Sadawi Nawal Political And Social Views : Men, women, and God(s) : Nawal El Saadawi and Arab feminist poetics / Fedwa Malti-Douglas.; Malti-Douglas, Fedwa,  2019 1
Sadberge England Maps : Durham [cartographic material] : sheet NZ 31 NW.; Great Britain.  1968 1
Saddell Scotland Maps : Saddell & Carradale [cartographic material].; Great Britain.  1989 1
Saddington England Maps : Leicestershire [cartographic material] : sheet SP 69 SE.; Great Britain.  1983 1
Saddleworth England Maps : Holmfirth and Saddleworth Moor [cartographic material].; Great Britain.  1983 1
Saddleworth Moor England Maps : [Yorkshire] [cartographic material] : sheet SE 00 NW.; Great Britain.  1956 1
Sade Marquis De 1740 1814   21
Sade Marquis De 1740 1814 Philosophy : The philosophy of the Marquis de Sade / Timo Airaksinen.; Airaksinen, Timo,  1995 1
Sadism In Literature   2
Sadism In Motion Pictures : Torture porn in the wake of 9/11 : horror, exploitation, and the cinema of sensation / Aaron Michael Kerner.; Kerner, Aaron,  2015 1
Sadler Anthony 1610   2
Sadler Anthony 1610 Inquisitio Anglicana   3
Sadler John 1681 : The tryal and condemnation of several notorious malefactors, at a sessions of oyer and terminer which began at the Sessions House in the Old Baily : with the names of those who received sentence of death, burnt in the hand, transported, and to be whipt. And most remarkably of John Sadler, who whipt the child to death at Ratcliffe.  1681 1
Sadler Michael Sir 1861 1943   4
Sadler Thomas 1677   5
Sadlers Wells   3
Sadness : The tears of things : melancholy and physical objects / Peter Schwenger.; Schwenger, Peter,  2006 1
Sadness In Literature : "Les maladies du siècle" : the image of malaise in French fiction and thought in the inter-war years / Nicholas Hewitt.; Hewitt, Nicholas.  1988 1
Sadness Juvenile Literature : Sad / Isabel Thomas.; Thomas, Isabel,  2013 1
Sadomasochism   12
Sadomasochism Law And Legislation Canada   2
Sadomasochism Social Aspects Canada   2
Sadrin Ren E : A French tragedy : scenes of civil war, summer 1944 / translated by Mary Byrd Kelly ; translation edited and annotated by Richard J. Golsan.; Todorov, Tzvetan,  1996 1
Saducees Palestine   2
Saenredam Pieter Jansz 1597 1665 : Saenredam, 1597-1665, peintre des églises.  1970 1
Safe Conducts Early Works To 1800 : The late letters from both houses of Parliament concerning their purpose of delivery of a petition to His Majesty. : His Majesties answer to those letters.; England and Wales.  1642 1
Safegard From Shipwracke : Virtumnus [sic] Romanus, or, A discourse penned by a romish priest, : wherein he endevours to prove that it is lawfull for a papist in England to goe to the Protestant church, to receive the Communion, and to take the oathes both of allegiance and supremacie. To which are adjoyned animadversions in the in the [sic] margin by way of antidote against those places where the rankest poyson is couched. By Daniel Featley Dr. in Divinitie.; Featley, Daniel,  1642 1
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